I. Handling of the Rods by the Deacons and Stewards

These basic instructions should be first learned by the Deacons and Stewards.

1. The position of ATTENTION (Rod at Attention): Rod in Right Hand.

  1. Keep the upper arm parallel with the body.
  2. The forearm perpendicular to the body.
  3. The rod held parallel with the body.

2. The position for CARRYING the Rod (Rod in Carry):

  1. Start from the position of attention.
  2. As you step off an the LEFT foot, tuck the rod under the right armpit, carrying it at a forty-five degree angle.

3. The position of CHALLENGE or giving the PASS (Rod in Pass):

  1. Start from the position of attention.
  2. Bring the top of the rod across the body from right to left.
  3. Rest the upper part of the rod on the palm of the left hand.
  4. Hold the rod at a forty-five degree angle to the body, upper arms against the body.

4. The position for Giving the Sign (Rod at Salute):

  1. Start from the position of attention.
  2. Transfer the rod to the left side of the body.
  3. Rest the rod against the left shoulder, as close to the body as possible.
  4. Give the sign.
  5. Reach across the body with the right hand and return the rod to the position of attention.

5. Taking the Rod from the Stand when it is on the Left Side:

  1. Rise from seat and face front.
  2. Take the rod from the stand always with the right hand.
  3. Pass the right hand across the body, without turning the body more than necessary, and remove rod from the stand.
  4. Bring the rod to the position of attention before leaving place.

6. The proper way of giving the Sign:

  1. Start from the position of attention.
  2. Bring the rod at Salute.
  3. First drop right hand to right side.
  4. Drop again right hand to right side before taking rod.
  5. Then place rod at Attention.

7. General Comments:

  1. Unless otherwise noted herein, all officers will step off on the left foot.
  2. When addressed by a proper authority, the person addressed will rise and face front or incline slightly to the Master or Wardens who addressed him.
  3. Unless otherwise noted herein, all officer carrying rods will step off with the rod in carry.