Senior Deacon

  1. Rises when addressed by SW.
  2. Takes rod from the stand after SW gives order.
  3. Comes to attention.
  4. Steps off, walks in square to N-E corner of pavement .
  5. Stops at N-E corner of pavement, facing West, rod at attention.
  6. Makes a left face when Master faces him.
  7. Places rod at salute, then gives the signs with him.
  8. Steps off lifting rod just clear of the floor with left hand down and fully extended along rod, and approaches Master.
  9. Stops when one step from Master, gives the grip first, then brings right foot forward to right foot of Master.
  10. With rod still in left hand, steps back with left foot first to N-E corner of pavement.
  11. Takes rod in right hand, facing South, rod at attention.
  12. Makes a right face when Master and JD faces West.
  13. Steps off simultaneously with JD and walks along border of North pavement.
  14. Stops at N-W corner of pavement, facing West, rod at attention.
  15. Makes a left face when SW faces him.
  16. Repeats movements as done with Master. Remains on N-W corner of pavement, facing South, rod at attention, until Master says "Together Brethren," then faces East.
  17. After Master gives "Blessing," steps off walks along E along North pavement.
  18. Makes a right turn when one step West of Altar.
  19. Stops in front of Altar, facing South, rod at attention.
  20. Makes a left face, facing East.
  21. Places rod at salute, then gives the sign.
  22. Turns off or waits-until lessor lights are turned off, then disarranges Great Lights.
  23. Places rod at attention.
  24. Takes one sidestep to left, facing E, rod at attention.
  25. After Master raps in the East, returns to his place and put rod in stand.

Junior Deacon

  1. Rises when addressed by the SW.
  2. Takes rod from stand after SW gives order.
  3. Comes to attention.
  4. Steps off, walks in square to S-W corner of pavement. Proceeds along border of South pavement.
  5. Stops in S-E corner of pavement, facing East, rod at attention.
  6. Makes an about face, facing West, rod at attention.
  7. Makes a right face, facing North when Master faces SD, rod at attention.
  8. When Master faces him, places rod at salute, then gives the signs with him.
  9. Steps off, lifting rod just clear of the floor with left hand down and fully extended along rod, and approaches Master.
  10. Stops when one step from Master, gives grip first, then brings right foot forward to right foot of Master.
  11. With rod still in left hand, steps back with left foot first to S-E corner of pavement.
  12. Takes rod in right hand, facing North, rod at attention.
  13. Makes a left face when Master and SD face West.
  14. Steps off simultaneously with SD and walks along border of South pavement.
  15. Stops at S-W corner of pavement, facing West, rod at attention.
  16. Makes a right face, facing North, rod at attention, when SW faces SD.
  17. When SW faces him, places rod at salute and repeats movements as done with WM.
  18. Remains on S-W corner of pavement, facing North, rod at attention, until Master says "Together Brethren," then faces East.
  19. After receiving Master's order, makes an about face, steps off, goes to the door.
  20. Attends the door as in opening the Lodge.
  21. Returns to his place and puts rod in the stand.