Minutes 6 January 1971

The 165th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 F&AM was held in the Masonic Temple, Yokohama, Japan on the 6th day of January, 1971.

A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at the order of the Wor. Master in the East at 19:30 hours, with Bro. Steinheimer in the East, Bro. Williams in the West and Bro. LaSalle in the South, for conducting such business that might come before it.

The Minutes of the 163th & 164th Stated Meetings held on Nov. 4 & Dec. 2 were read and approved. And subsequent Meetings held during the months of November and December.

The Treasurer's report for the Month of December was read and it was moved by W.Bro. Williams and Seconded by Bro. Watters that the report be accepted subject to audit.

Committee Reports

DeMolay: W.Bro. Nishiyama gave a report.

Job's Daughters: M.W.Bro. Nielsen gave a report.

Publication: Bro. Riffle gave a report and it was recommended that Bro. Tayama be appointed in charge of the distribution of the F.T. Lapsation Committee.

W.Bro. Grimes reported that of the Names of the Brethren on the list for non-payment of dues it was necessary to suspend 14 Brethren.

Balloting on Petitions for the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge was held on: Mr. Simpson. ELECTED.

Petition for dual membership with this Lodge was read from Bro. Lucas.

Petition for the Three Degrees in Masonry confered by this Lodge was read from: Mr. Ted Allen DeYoung.

The bills for the month of December were read, motion was made and passed that the bills be paid.

New Business

Bro. Riffle moved and Bro. Grimes seconded that the Lodge purchase a used vacuum cleaner. The Bill to be presented to the House Committee for payment. CARRIED.

M.W.Bro. Peck gave us some interesting highlights on the subject of Stated Meetings.

The Wor. Master bade Bro. Henry goodbye, as he was leaving the next day.

Peace and Harmony prevailing, the the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at the order of the Wor. Master in the East at 21:00 hours with Bro. Steinheimer in the East, Bro. Williams in the West and Bro. LaSalle in the South.