A Special Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 F&AM was held in the Masonic Temple, Yokohama, Japan on the 17th Day of February 1971.
A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at the order of the Wor. Master in the East at 19:00 hours with Bro. Watters in the East, Bro. Steinheimer in the West and Bro. Vanvig in the South, for the purpose of conferring the Third Degree of Masonry.
The Lodge was lowered to the Fellow Craft Degree at 19:15 hours, and Bro. Simpson was examined and found proficient in the Second Degree by Bro. Steinheimer.
Labor was resumed in the Third Degree at 19:30 hours.
The Third Degree of Masonry was conferred on Bros. Poll, Simpson and Sultan in due and ancient form with Bro. Watters in the East, Bro. Steinheimer in the West and Bro. Oliver in the South.
Bros. Poll, Simpson and Sultan knocked on the door at 19:45 hours, were admitted at 19:50 and were obligated at 20:00 hours.
Bro. Watters presented the Working Tools.
The Lodge was called from Labor to refreshment at 20:40 hours, for conferring the Second Section.
M.W.Bro. Nielsen raised Bro Sultan. W.Bro. Vanvig raised Bro. Simpson and W.Bro. Grimes raised Bro. Poll.
The Lodge was called from Refreshment to Labor again at 21:55 hours. With W.Bro. Williams in the East, Bro. Watters in the West and Bro. Riffle in the South. W.Bro. Vanvig delivered the Lecture. W.Bro. Williams delivered the Charge. W.Bro. Grimes presented the Lambskin Aprons. Bro. Watters presented the Holy Bible.
Peace and Harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at the order of the W. Master in the East at 22:30 hours, with W.Bro. Williams in the East, Bro. Watters in the West and Bro. Riffle in the South.