The 170th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 F&AM was held in the Masonic Temple, Yokohama, Japan on the 2nd Day of June, 1971.
A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at the order of the Wor. Master in the East at 19:35 hours with Bro. Steinheimer in the East, Bro. Watters in the West and Bro. Riffle in the South, for conducting such business that might come before it.
The Secretary reported the minutes of the Stated Meeting for May were not available at this time. He did read the minutes for the Special Meeting held on 26th May, and they were approved as corrected.
The Treasurer's report for the Month of March was not read, owing to the absence of M.W .Bro. Nielsen, the Treasurer, who is expected back around 2 June.
Committee Reports:
COACHING: Bro. Watters reports working on three proficiencies.
SICK AND VISITATION: M.W. Bro. Robinson welcomed Bro. Riffle back from his stay in the hospital, a result of an auto accident.
JOB'S DAUGHTERS: Bro. Riffle reported Job's Daughters were keeping very busy, and that they had elected officers.
HOUSE COMMITTEE: Wor. Bro. Williams was appointed to replace Wor. Bro. Grimes. No Report. Additional time was granted the investigating committee on the petition of Mr. Black.
NEW PETITIONS: A petition to receive the three degrees of Masonry in this lodge was read for Mr. Bintliff, Russell L.
BILLS: The hills were read and it was moved by Bro. Somerville, seconded by Bro. Watters that the bills be paid. Carried
M.W. Bro. Peck suggested that new signature cards be drawn up for check signing, to include the Master, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Wardens.
NEW BUSINESS: M.W. Bro. Peck requested M.W. Bro. Yamada to stand West of the altar after which he procceeded to quote a article from the Oregon Free Mason, a publication of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, writen by Wor. Bro. Robert P. Dodge, a professor at Oregon State University, in which Wor. Bro. Dodge tells of his prewar visit to Japan and the wonderful reception and kindness shown him by a Japanese named Yama, who turns out to be M.W. Bro. Yamada. M.W. Bro. Yamada responded with appropriate remarks.
M.W. Bro. Robertson read Art: 137a of the constitution, and then moved that the unused portitn of the life membership fee be retuuned to the widow of Bro. Nilsson. Motion seconded by M.W. Bro. Peck. Carried.
M.W. Bro. Peck suggested and it was agreed that at our next meeting we seriously consider the problem of the impending loss of Officers and active bethren, and lay plans for the balance of this year as well as next.
Misc Business Bro. Watters suggested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Wor. Bro. Grimes for his long and outstanding service, the Wor. Master so directed. Bro. Oliver reminded the Brethren of the interment of Bro. Nilsson on Sat. also Bro. Cowe. The Wor. Master read a letter of appreciation from Mrs. Nilsson. The Secretary read a letter of thanks from Bro. Riffle and Bro. Drummond
Peace and Harmony prevailing the Ledge was closed in due and ancient form at the order of the Wor. Master in the East at 21:40 hours with Bro. Steinheimer in the East, Bro. Watters in the West and Bro. Riffle in the South.