A fellowship dinner was held at the Seaside Club at 19:00 2 June 1971, for the purpose of fellowship and discussing the affairs of the Lodge during the remainder of this Masonic Year.
At 19:48 hours Worshipful Master L. Vanvig opened the discussion by welcoming the Brethren and then turned the meeting over to Most Worshipful Bro. Nohea Peck, PGM. M.W. Bro. Peck then read a list of the Brethren present and absent who are remaining and those who are leaving in the near future. Bro. Peck then talked on how to handle a Meeting of Masons in Lodge and read a mimeograph sheet with ideas on Lodge meetings and how to improve them.
W. Bro. Vanvig then talked on the needs of the lodge and opened the discussion to any Brother who might have any ideas. Several of the Brethren expressed their ideas. W. Bro. Nishiyama extended an invitation for the Brethren to visit Yuai Lodge No. 11 on Monday 14 June 1971. Several of the Members present expressed a desire to attend.
W. Bro. Vanvig then declared that the Lodge would go dark until July 7 1971 due to the season unless something of importance occurred.
Our Senior Warden Robert Steinheimer said his goodbye due to his departure to Misawa for duty.
At 21:10 the fellowship adjourned.