The 171st Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM, was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff Yamate-cho Naka-ku, Yokonama, Japan, on the 7th day of July 1971. A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due form at 19:35 hours with Worshipful Master Bro. Vanvig in the East, Bro. Riffle in the West and Bro Otani in the South.
The Worshipful Master recognized the Distinguished Brothren as listed in the Tiler's Register for this date.
The first order of business was the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting No. 170 and subsequent special meeting No. 416. Minutes were approved as corrected.
Next order of business was the report of the several committees.
HOUSE: Bro. Riffle reported a house committee meeting was held on 10 June and it had been agreed to secure estimates on replacement of all window frames, toilet in men toilet, and necesaary electrical work. Bro. Haynal (representing Job's Daughters) will try to secure enough chairs to replace those in colation room. Next meeting to be held on 22 July.
ENTERTAINMENT: The Worshipful Master read the amount of the bill for fellowship dinner held on 2 June at SeaSide EM Club.
DEMOLAY: Bro. Otani. reported that MW Bro. George S. Fioriuchi has received the Degree of "Honorary Legion of Honor" from the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay. Also that three Bros. received the Degree of Chevalier. Activities will be Mt. Fuji climb, 23, 24 July and Oshima Seminsr 12-15 Aug.
PUBLICATIONS: Bro. Riffle reports that FTs ready for publication in about 2 weeks. Bro. Somerville reports list of Brethren about 50% complete. Also no FTs during July and August.
COACHING: Bro. Watters checking on 4 long-time EAs.
AUDITING: MW Bro Neilson had no report but suggested new chairman be appointed.
SICK AND VISITATION: Bro. Bennett reported negative, except he himself had no teeth as yet.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP: MW Bro Peck reported 13 losses due to death, and approximately 132 on rolls at present.
JOB'S DAUGHTERS: MW Bro. Nielsen reports Jobbies dark during July & Aug.
The Worshipful Master announced that the committee of investigation had returned an unfavorable report on the following named petitioner and his petition was therefore rejected and directed that his fee he returned: Mr. Donald Black.
Petitions to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge on which favorable reports had been submitted was voted upon and the following candidate was elected: Mr Russel Lee Bintliff
A petition for Affillation was read for the following Bro.: Bro. Honorio Bulugay Alvarez
Grand Lodge correspondences received subsequent the last Stated Meeting was read and the Secretary was instructed file the same.
NEW PETITIONS READ: Mr. Carl Arthur Bandy, Mr. Takao Saito.
The Secretary read the bills for the Month of June 1971, and presented the same for payment in the amount of Yen as follows:
Yamato Flower Shop | 10,500 |
Secretary Exp. | 18,000 |
Tiler Exp. | 3,600 |
Temple Rent | 100,000 |
Grand Lodge | 100,000 |
Postage | 720 |
Donation to K.T. Eye Fund | 36,000 |
Fee Refund to D. Black | 15,300 |
Total | 28,120 |
Motion by Bro. Watters seconded by Bro. Somerville that the bills be paid. CARRIED.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Bro. Somerville reported on plaque to be put on the National Flag of Canada. MW Bro. Peck suggested placing plastic cover on all flags in Temple.
NEW BUSINESS: MW Bro. Peck spoke briefly on letter from Grand Master concerning monetary assistance for fellowship activities, he remarked that it was probably to late for this month, and recomemnded conservativeness in all matters concerning expenses.
Motion by MW Bro. Robertson, seconded by MW Bro. Peck that the 1100.00 donated to the Lodge be re-donated to the Knights Templar Eye Assistance. CARRIED.
The Worshipful Master announced that the Lodge would be dark for the balance of this month except for a fellowship dinner to be held at 7 o'clock on Wednesday 21 July, 1971. at the SeaSide EM Club.
The Worshipful Master also announced that the installation of Officers for the next Masonic year would be held (following the elections) on Saturday the 4th of December 1971.
MW Bro. Peck spoke on the necessity of corresponding with other Grand Lodges concerning courtesy work, affiliations, dual membership etc.
Bro. Watters said farewell to the brethren as he will be leaving on a new assignment next month, also expressed his happiness with having deen associated with so many outstanding brothers. The Worshipful Master thanked him and responded with other appropiate remarks.
There being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, the Worshipful Master announced that the Lodge would proceed to close. Peace and Harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master at 22:00.hours, with Worshipful Master Bro. Vanvig the East, Bro. Riffle in the West and Bro. Otani in the South.