The 172nd Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM, was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff Yamate-cho Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan, on the 4th day of August 1971. A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due form at 19:00 hours with Worshipful Master Bro. Vanvig in the East, WM Bro. Peck in the West and Bro Mitchelll in the South.
The Worshipful Master recognized the Distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's Register for this date.
The first order of business was the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting No. 171 and subsequent special meeting No. 417. Minutes were approved as read.
Next order of business was the report of the several committees.
HOUSE: The Worshipful Master Bro. Vanvig reported a cost of 1,351,730 yen for repair of the windows. The House Committee is to pay one half and the balance to be paid equally by the three bodies. (Our share 225,000 Yen, 625.80 dollars.) Motion by MW Bro. Nielsen seconded by MW Bro. Peck that the Lodge authorize the Worshipful Master to obligate an amount not to exceed Yen 226,000 for the repair of the Lodge windows, provided that an equal portion be provided by the two other bodies. CARRIED.
Treasurer's Report Accepted as read subject to the usual audit.
Publication Committee; Bro. Tayama reports that the FT's will be delayed for another week, and Bro. Somerville reports his machine busted and therefore no list of Brethren's addresses yet.
Petitions to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge on which a favorable report had been submitted was voted upon and the following candidate was elected: Mr. Carl Authur Bandy
A petition for affiliation in this Lodge was voted upon and the following named Bro. was elected: Bro. Honorio Balugay Alvarez
The Secretary read the bill for the month of August 1971, and presented the same for payment in the amount of Yen 38,400, as follows:
Tiler Exp. | 3,600 |
Secretary Exp. | 18,000 |
Grand Lodge | 500 |
B. A. Riffle (Postage) | 10,400 |
Flowers (W. Bro. Esch) | 500 |
Donation (Order of DeMolay) | 5,400 |
Motion by MW Bro Peck, seconded by Bro. Somerville that the bills be paid as read. CARRIED.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Bro. Somerville reported that he would submit a design for the commemorative coin by the next stated Meeting.
Motion by MW Bro. Peck seconded by Bro. Somerville that the Secretary order Past Master's Jewel, Apron and Case, for the outgoing Master. CARRIED.
NEW BUSINESS: Correspondence was read by the Secretary.
Motion by MW Bro. Neilson, seconded by Bro. Mitchell that a donation of 5,400 yen be made to the Order of DeMolay in memory of Wor. Bro. Esch. CARRIED
The Worshipful Master directed the Secretary to write letters of recommedation for letters of merit for Bros. Steinheimer and Watters.
There being no further business to come before the Lodge of Master Masons, the Worshipful Master announced that the Lodge would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master, at 21:30 hours, with Worshipful Master Bro. Vanvig in the East, MW Bro. Peck in the West and Bro. Mitchell in the South.