The 429th Special Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM, was held at the Masonic Temple No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Yokohama, Japan on the 19th day of February, 1972.
A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at the order of the Worshipful Master in the East at 16:30 hours with Worhipful Master Bro. Vanvig in the East, Bro. Riffle in the West and Bro. Otani in the South.
The Worshipful Master announced that this Special Meettng was convened for the purpose of installing the newly elected officers for the ensuing Masonic year, but before commencing the ceramonies that the Lodge would be called to refreshment since the installation was to be a public one and also that we would receive the MW Grand Master and accompaning Grand Lodge Officers with public Grand Honors.
At this time the Worshipful Master called the Lodge to Refreshment and invited the visitors and guests to a seat in the Lodge, and after seating everyone, The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Japan and his accompanying Grand Lodge officers were received with public Grand Honors; as follows:
Most Worshipful Brother Floren L. Quick, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Japan
Right Worshipful Brother Frederick S. Kashiwagi, Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Japan
Most Worshipful Brother Floyd J Robertson, PGM of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Japan
Right Worshipful Brother Kiyoshi Takano, Grand Lodge Inspector for Far East No. 1.
Worshipful Brother Shigeru Nishiyama, Grand Lodge Sword Bearer of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Japan.
After brief opening remarks the Most Worshipful Grand Master MW Bro. Floren L. Quick requested the Worshipful Master W Bro. Vanvig to please proceed. The Worshipful Master then recognized the visiting Distinguished Guests as registered in the Tiler's register of thls date, after which he requested the Installing Officer, Most Worshipful Brother Floyd J. Robertson, to please proceed with the installation.
Most Worshipful Brother Robertson then requested the installing Marshal, W Bro. Takano, to take his position and the Following Brethren having been elected or appointed were Installed into their respective offices:
Worshipful Master | W Bro. Louie T. Vanvig |
Senior Warden | Bro. Bruce A. Riffle |
Junior Warden | Bro. Katsuhiko Otani |
Treasurer | Bro. Honorio B. Alvarez |
Secretary | W Bro. Robert L. Williams |
Chaplain | Bro. Clyde S. Henderson |
Marshal | W Bro. Shigeru Nishiyama |
Senior Deacon | Bro. Theodore A. DeYoung |
Junior Deacon | Bro. Haruo Tayama |
Senior Steward | Bro. Francis M. Chun |
Junior Steward | Bro. Carl A. Bandy |
Organist | Bro. Robert W. Crosthwaite |
Tiler | Bro. Martin H. Andersen |
The Charge to the Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Vanvig was delivered by The Most Worshipful Grand Master Most Wor. Bro. Floren L. Quick.
The Charge to the Senior Warden Bro. Riffle was delivered by Right Worshipful Brother Frederick S. Kashiwagi, Deputy Grand Master.
The Worshipful Master W Bro. Vanvig then expresèed his sincere thanks to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Grand Lodge Officers, The Installing Officer and Marshal, the distinguished visiting Brethren, Guests and especially the Ladies for their fine attendence at the ceremonies this evening, and announced that immediately following we would proceed to the Officers Club for the banquet and entertainment.
The. Worshipful Master then requested the Most Worshipful Grand Master to close the Lodge.
Peace and harmony prevailing the Most Worshipful Brother Floren L. Quick closed the Lodge in adequate form at 18:35 hours, with Bro. Riffle in the West and Bro. Otani in the South.
A Lodge of Installed or Past Masters was opened at 18:50 hours, with RW Bro. Hannon R. Jackson in the East, MW Bro. Floyd J. Robertson in the West and RW Bro. Kiyoshi Takano in the West for the purpose of conferring this Degree on the following Worshipful Brethren.
Louie T. Vanvig — (PM) and reigning Master Far East No. 1.
James B. Haynel — Past Master Yokosuka No. 20
Chester L. Ditto — Reigning Master Yokosuka No. 20
Wor. Bro. Williams assisted.
Peace and Harmony prevailing this Lodge of Installed or Past Masters was closed at 19:15 hours.
(53 Brethren and guests present)