Minutes 1 March 1972

The 179th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No, 1, F&AM, was held at the Masonic Temple at No. 3 Yamate-cho, Yokohama, Japan on the 1st day of March, 1972. A lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours, with Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Vanvig in the East, Bro. Riffle in the West and Bro. Otani in the South

The Wor. Master then recognized the distinguished Brethren present as registered in the Tiler's record of this date.

He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the Month of March, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and any subsequent Special Meetings. The Minutes were approved as corrected.

The next order of business was the Treasurer's Report. The Treasurer's Report was approved as presented subject to the usual audit.

The next order of business was the Report of the several Committees:

HOUSE COMMITTEE: The Wor. Master reported that there had been a meeting but that he had been unable to attend.

ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE: Bro. DeYoung congratulated Bro. Alvarez for his outstanding work in setting up the banquet, dinner etc. at the Officers Club for the Officers, Members and guests of Far East No. 1, on the 19th of February which was the night of installation of Lodge Officers for the ensuing Masonic year. All Brethren concurred heartily.

PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE: Bro. Riffle reported that the next issue of the Friendly Tips would be ready in about three weeks, and that he was working on the list of members and addresses.

COACHING COMMITTEE: The Wor. Master appointed Bros. Mitchell, Tayama and Williams to serve on the Committee.

REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE: The Wor. Master remarked that Bro. DeYoung had been doing an outstanding job and suggested that the Stewards could help out in the future.

SICK AND VISITATION COMMITTEE: Bro. Tayama reported that Bro. Bennett was yet ill.

LIFE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Wor. Bro. Williams reported that Far East Lodge No. 1. now has two more Life Members: Bro. Ball and Bro. McMahan.

LAPSATION COMMITTEE: Wor. Bro. Williams reported that notices would be mailed out shortly on those brethren who had been suspended this year.

JOB'S DAUGHTER'S COMMITTEE: Bro. Riffle reported that the girls had visited Square and Compasses Lodge No. 3, and had put on an exemplification, and that they were all impressed with the interior decor of that Lodge.

Balloting was held on the following named petitioner and he was elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry in the Lodge.

Mr. Rafael Gonzales

The following new petitions were read, to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge.

Mr. Ralph Cabrera Padilla

Mr. Leland Leotis Bartelson

Mr. Ord Charles Smith

The Secretary presented the bills for the Month of February and MW Bro. Peck moved the the bills be paid, seconded by Bro. Riffle. Motion carried

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Bro. DeYoung volunteered to install carpet in outer room.

NEW BUSINESS: The Wor. Master suggested 16 December 1972 as the date for the next installation of officers.

Wor. Bro. Vanvig requested Bro. Otani to give a progress report on Bros. Saito and Okahiro, Bro. Otani stated that Bro. Okahiro will try in April and Bro. Saito later.

MW Bro. Peck spoke on several items of interest to the Lodge among which he suggested that the Japanese Brethren might like to hold a Lodge meeting on a night other than the regular one, and that proficiencies in Japanese language were alright. Also that upon dispensation a modified proficiency (in English) was available from the Grand Master, and other items of interest, and last he apologized for not be able to attend the Installation and Banquet.

MW Bro. Robertson read a letter dated 10 April, 1964 regarding the Apron and Staircase Lectures, the Lesser Lights, raising and lowering the Lodge, etc.

MW Bro. Peck reminded those who would attend, that the Grand Lodge Communication would be held on 17 and 18 March, and at 09:00 on Saturday there would be a Lodge of Instruction. Also that the Banquet would be held at the Sanno Hotel on the 19th, with dinner and interesting speakers.

Bro. DeYoung suggested that the Lodge procure additional refrigerator for use by Far East Lodge No. 1. Also that the Order of the Eastern Star would hold a Bazaar on Saturday 4 March, at the Nile Kinnick School. Bro. Riffle announced that Job's Daughters would be assisting.

There being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, the Wor. Master announced that the Lodge would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing the Lodge was closed' in due and ancient form at 21:45 hours with Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Vanvig in the East, Bro. Riffle in the West And Bro. Otani in the South.

(13 Brethren present)