The 182nd Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM, was held at the Masonic Temple No. 3 Yamate-cho, Yokohama, Japan, on the 7th day of June 1972. A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours, with Wor. Bro. Nishiyama (acting WM) in the East, Bro. Oliver (acting SW) in the West and MW Bro. Peck (acting JW) in the South.
Wor. Bro. Floyd B. Jimerson, Grand Lodge Inspector for Far East Lodge No. 1, was then received with Grand Honors and seated in the East, after which the Lodge was called briefly free from restraint for the purpose of changing officers. MW Bro. Peck assumed the East and WBro. Nishiyama took the JW's station.
The distinguished Brethren present were recognized as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date.
MW Bro. Peck (acting WM) announced that the first order of business would be the reading of the Minutes of our last Stated and all subsequent meetings. The Minutes were approved as corrected.
The next order of business was the Treasurer's Report, and it was approved as read subject to the usual audit.
Next order of business, Report of the Several Committees.
ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. DeYoung reported very successful Chinese Dinner for Grand Master Fredick S. Kashiwagi. ¥105,000 expended, of which ¥84,000 was income from sale of tickets, the balance was paid from his pocket and he requested reimbursement.
COACHING: WBro Nishiyama reported Bro. Saito not ready. Bros. Okahiro and Nishiyama probably during June or July.
SICK AND VISITATION: Bro. Bennett reported that MW Bro. Robertson was ill and in the Hospital, also Bro. Andersen sick at home. MW Bro. Peck reported flowers having been sent to MW Bro. Robertason from Scottish Rite Bodies. Bro. DeYoung reported MW Bro. Robertson may be out of hospital by Saturday.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Bro. Williams reported two new Life Members, Bros. Ralph C. Padilla and Leland L. Bartelson, Nos. 141 and 142 respectively.
JOB'S DAUGHTERS: Bro. Alvarez reported that last Sunday the Bethel had initiated four candidates including Bro. Tayama'a Daughter. Bro. Tayama responded with appropiate remarks, also that their initiation of Officers would be in August.
Bro. Henderson reported that Name Tags for Life Members were not yet ready due to lack of material.
The Secretary read letters from Grand Lodge concerning re-investment of WARIKO BOND #360 value 5,515,910 Yen.
Motion by Bro. Alvarez, seconded by Bro. Willimams, to re-invest WARIKO BOND #360 with Grand Lodge investments. CARRIED
MW Bro. Peck advised the Brothren that the interest rate would probably be reduced to 6.2% or below, also that a letter of instruction should be sent to the Grand Lodge concerning the re-investment.
The Secretary also read letters advisihg change of scheduled visits of the Grand Master and Grand Lecturer on 18 Oct. and 2 Aug. respectively.
Bro. Alvarez reported having difficulty cashing US Dollar checks and recommended opening US dollar account with Military Banking Facility, however he suggested that we wait until he could gather more information and posibly take action at our next meeting.
Wor. Brother Floyd B Jimerson, Grand Lode Inspector, gave his remarks and comments concerning Leadership in the Lodge, giving committee reports, and the Lectures and floorwork.
MW Bro. Peck spoke briefly on Ritual and floorwork, and that Far East Lodge No. 1 had a very good reputation and Esprit De Corps, also encourged the Brethren to take positive action in dealing with present Lodge matters.
Bro. DeYoung re-read his notes on the present status of our Lodge.
Motion By Bro DeYoung, seconded by Bro. Bandy, that Far East Lodge No. 1 take a quarter page in the upcoming Shrine booklet at a cost of 11,000 Yen. CARRIED
The Lodge was then called free from restraint for the purpose of changing officers.
There being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, the Wor. Master announced that the Lodge would proceed to close.
Peace and Harmony prevailing the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 21:45 hours with Wor. Bro Nishiyama (acting WM) in the East, Bro. Oliver (acting SW) in the West, and Bro. Otani (acting JW) in the South.
(16 Brethren present).