The 183rd Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM, was held at the Masonic Temple No. 3 Yamate-Cho, Yokohama, Japan, on the 5th day of July 1972. A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours, with MW Bro. Robertson (acting WM) in the East, Wor. Bro. Nishiyama (acting SW) in the West and Bro. DeYoung (acting JW) in the South.
The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date.
He also recognized the visiting Brethren and extended his welcome.
The first order of business was the reading of the Minutes of our last Stated meeting other subsequent meetings. The minutes were approved.
The next order of business was the Treasurer's Report. The Treasurer's Report was approved subject to audit.
HOUSE: Neg. Bro. Alvarez volunteered to serve on House Committee.
PUBLICATIONS: Bro. Tayama reported working on next issue and picture plate for cover.
EXAM. & RECEPTION: Bro. DeYoung reported committee working.
COACHING: Bro. DeYoung reported Bros. Saito and Okahiro not ready, W Bro. Nishiyama reported Bro. Otani was working with them, also Bro. Taku Nishiyama was ready this evening, and that he was encouraging Bro. Aoki and that he hoped he would be ready in the near future,
The Wor. Master requested the Secretary to prepare a list of those Brethren still outstanding in giving their proficiency in all Degrees.
SICK & VISITATION: Bro. Bennett reported Bro. Anderson ill at home. The WM suggested sending get-well cards or letters to Bro. Anderson.
LAPSATION: WBro. Williams reported some response to notices sent out, and at the direction of the WM he would furnish Bro. Tayama with names of those Brethren whose letters had been returned for inclusion in the Friendly Tips.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP: WBro. Williams reported no new Life Members for this this period
JOB'S DAUGHTERS: Bro. Alvarez reported that their next meeting would be held 25 August, at which time the election and installation of new officers would be held.
The Secretary then read a communication from the Grand Lodge and signed by Most Worshipful Frederick S. Kashiwagi, authorizing a Past Master to open Lodge in the absence of the JW, until the return of Bro. Riffle from home leave.
Bro. Otani arrived and excused himself for being tardy, and requested MW Bro. Robertson to please continue in the East.
Bro. DOERTY, Walter L.
Bro. DeYoung moved, Bro. Henderson seconded, that a request for dispensation to the Grand Master to allow Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1. to hold elections for Worshipful Master and any other vacancy occurring as a result of that election. MOTION NOT CARRIED
MW Bro. Peck then suggested to the Brethren that perhaps we should practice charity to one another for the few remaining months before our next election, and them try to elect only those Brethren duly qualified and proficient.
MW Bro. Robertson announced that he was available to assist anyone interested in being instructed in any of the Degrees.
The Secretary then read the Bills for the month of June, and it was moved by WBro. Nishiyama and seconded by Bro. Chun that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED
Bro. Alvarez volunteered to assist in preparing our upcoming anniversary booklet, and MW Bro. Peck suggested that we might include a photograph of all Past Grand Masters who were members of Far East Lodge No. 1. along with a brief Biography of each.
Bro. Otani reported that Right Worshipful Bro. Parlivichio had requested him to announce to the Lodge that the would visit Far East Lodge No. 1 on the third Wednesday of Sept.
The following named Brother was examined in the Third Degree proficiency by WBro. Nishiyama, and pronounced proficient by the Wor. Master:
MASONIC EDUCATION: MW Bro. Peck informed the Brethren of the meaning of Clandestine Lodges and Masons, also of the definition of the Term "Right To Visit", and other items of Masonic information, and invited all who could to visit the Grand Lodge and look through the Library there.
There being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, the Wor. Master announced that the Lodge would proceed to close.
Peace and harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 21:35 Hours, with MW Bro. Robertson (acting WM) in the East, WBro. Nishiyama (acting SW) in the West, and Bro. DeYoung (acting JW) in the South.
(17 Brethren Present)