Minutes 3 April 1974

The 201st Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM, was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Yokohama, Japan on the 3rd day of April, 1974.

A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours with W Bro. Alvarez, WM, in the East, Bro. Hodges, Senior Warden, in the West, and Bro. LaSalle, Junior Warden, in the South.

The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's register of this date, he then invited MW Bro. Peck to the East and requested him to conduct the meeting. MW Bro. Peck assumed the East and announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of April, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent meetings:

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.

Bro. Watson then presented the Treasurer's Report, and it was a accepted as presented subject to the usual audit.

The next order of business was the Report of the several committees:

HOUSE: Bro. Hodges reported that some progress was being made concerning the plans for aquiring the property and building, and at the last meeting of the committee several ways of raising the funds was discussed. Also, it was agreed to refund Bro. L.E. Reifenstein's money no later than 31 July, 1974, and that the amount might have to be borroqed from the three bodies an a loan basis.

ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. LaSalle reported that the dinner for MW Bro. Peck was scheduled for 18:30 hours, April 4, at the Officers Club and invited all to attend.

PUBLICATIONS: Bro. Hodges reported FT's are ready.

LIBRARY: Bro. Havens reported NEG.

COACHING: Bro. Dunning reported Bro. Smith was ready for Third Deegree proficiency, and Bro. McCumsey working. Also Basketball team sponsored by Far East Lodge No. 1 had placed 1st, and W Bro. Alvarez had received on behalf of the Lodge a certificate and patch, also that a trophy would be presented at a later date, also attending the presentation with W Bro. Alvarez was Bro. Woosencraft. W Bro. Alvarez announced that the certificate and patch were posted on the bulletin board.



W Bro. Alvarez announced that the 17th of April would be a Third Degree for Bro. Lambert, and on the 17th, a Second Degree for Bro. Patterson.

MW Bro. Peck reminded the Brethren that we should be making plans for the Chinese Dinner held in May for the Grand Master.

The Secretary read a Letter requesting to be restored to good standing from Bro. Gus Martin, and also for a Demit.

He then read a letter from Mrs. R. S. Kucharski, relating the passing of W Bro. Richard S. Kucharski, PM, Far East Lodge No. 1, on March 9, 1974 at 8:45 pm. MW Bro. Peck requested that the Brethren be upstanding for a moment of prayer in memory of our departed Brother and Past Master, and read aloud a fitting prayer.

W Bro. Alvarez read aloud a letter of thanks to the brethren from W Bro. Bruce A. Riffle, immediate Past Master, for having received his Past Master's Jewel and Apron with case.

At 20:40 hours MW Bro. Peck conducted a Lodge of Masonic Education, entitled "You Can't Do It" with several of the Brethren joining in. It consisted of many of the things that should not be done when a Lodge is at Labor, with actual demonstrations and explanations. It was very informative and enjoyed by all, with closing remarks at 21:10 hours.

MW Bro. Peck then spoke briefly on his interesting observations of Masonic activities in South America, in particular he spoke about George Washington Lodge No. 100, and about MW Bro. Rodrigues. Also interesting items about ethnic groups in the Grand Jurisdiction of Mexico. Altogether his trip covered about 20,000 miles.

W Bro. Alvarez then extended his appreciation to MW Bro. Peck for having assumed the East during the business sesion and especially for the fine job of conducting the Lodge of Masonic Education, and then received the gavel back for the balance of the meeting.

MW Bro. Robertson informed the Brethren that he had visited Bro. Martin Andersen and his wife, and that Bro. Andersen's health seemed to be failing. He encouraged any Brother who could to visit Bro. Andersen. W Bro. Alvarez announced that the plaque commending Bro. Andersen for his long service as Tiler was ready and that he would present it on behalf of the Brethren within a few days.

There being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, the WM announced that the Lodge would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 21:40 hours, with W Bro. Alvarez, WM, in the East, Bro. Hodges, Senior Warden, in the West, and Bro. LaSalle, Junior Warden, in the South.

(There were 21 Brethren present).