The 205th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-Cho, Yokohama on the 7th day of August, 1974.
A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours with W Bro. Alvarez in the East, Bro. Hodges in the West, and Bro. LaSalle in the South.
The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's register of this date.
He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of August, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent special meetings:
The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.
Next was the Treasurer's Report given by Bro. Watson and it was approved subject to the usual audit.
The Secretary then presented the bill for the month of July and Bro. Hodges moved and Bro. LaSalle seconded that they be paid as presented. CARRIED
The next order or business was the report of the several committees:
HOUSE: Bro. Hodges reported that he would present a proposal that was given to the House Committee concerning purchasing the temple and property under new business.
ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. LaSalle gave NEG report
PUBLICATIONS: Bro. Hodges reported working on next issue of FT's.
COACHING: Bro. Dunning reported Bro. REYNA was pogressing and would be ready in the near future.
SICK AND VISITATION: W Bro. Alvarez reported Mrs. Bennett was alright and that she and Bro. Bennett were expecting to leave shortly.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP: W Bro. Williams reported that Bro. Watson had become our LM No. 149 and that Bro. Zaleweki would become a LM soon.
BALLOTING: Secret ballot was had on the following named petitioners and they were elected to receive the 3 Degrees in this Lodge.
Mr. TAYLOR, Wayne Loren
Mr. OHKAWA, Masaaki (NMN)
Mr. KORMAN, Ronald (NMN)
Balloting upon the following suspended members to be restored to good standing was had and they were approved;
Bro. WATTS, Kenneth E.
Bro. MARTIN, Gus (NMN)
The Secretary read a letter from Bro. HOLLEYMAN, Alan R. requesting that he be restored to good standing.
NEW BUSINESS: Bro. Hodges gave a full detailed report on progress of the House Committee concerning the purchase of the Temple and property, and read a written proposal from Mr. Hara concerning a financial arrangement to provide the funds for purchase. It was moved by W Bro. Williams, and seconded by Bro. Lambert, that the proposal to provide funds submitted by Mr. Hara be disapproved as unsatisfactory, and that the representatives from Far East Lodge No. 1 on the House Committee be instructed to encourage the Committee to seek other avenues of approach or other proposals.
After considerable discussion the motion was put to a vote and it carried. It was then moved by W Bro. Williams and seconded by Bro. Lambert that the House Committee be instructed to proceed with the repair of the roof and electric wiring. Motion Carried
The WM then requested Bro. Alaback to place himself West of the Altar and there presented him with a certificate of proficiency card as a Master Mason.
He then asked W Bro. Williams to present himself West of the Altar and presented him with a beautiful hand-made plaque which he had fashioned himself as a personal token of appreciation and presented it, on behalf of the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1., to W Bro. Williams for having served as Lodge Secretary for the past 3 years.
W Bro. Williams responded with appropriate remarks.
Next, W Bro. Alvarez requested the following Brethren to place themselves West of the Altar, and presented each with a Meritorious Certificate in appreciation for their outstanding work in the lodge, and thanked each one personally. Bros. Hodges, LaSalle, Dunning, Watson, Zalewski, Philippe, and Webb. Bro. Hodges and LaSalle responded with appropriate remarks.
W Bro. Alvarez then spoke to the Brethren about his term of office and recounted some of programs, activities and accomplishments, and thanked all for their support and assistance, promptly proceeded to the Secretary's table, presented the fee, and became Life Member No. 150.
He then mentioned the names of the many Brethren including himself who would be leaving in the near future and stated that he felt sure that the Brethren remaining would give their full support to Bro. Hodges, SW, who would be filling the East for the remainder of the year.
The Secretary read a letter of appreciation from Bro. Wolf expressing his gratitude for having received the Certificate of Resolution wherein it was resolved to commend him for his Meritorious Achivements in Masonry.
Under Masonic Education MW Bro. Robertson read aloud a very interesting article entitled "What is Masonry", and its acception of or rejection of change.
There being no futher business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, the WM announced that the Lodge would proceed to close.
Peace and harmony prevailing, this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 22:00 hours with W Bro. Alvarez in the East, Bro. Hodges in the West, and Bro. LaSalle in the South.
(There were 21 Brethren present)