The 207th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-Cho, Yokohama on the 2nd day of October, 1974.
A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:35 hours with Bro. Hodges SW (acting WM) in the East, Bro. Dunning JW (acting SW) in the West and Bro. Poll (acting JW) in the South.
The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's register of this date.
He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of October, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent special meetings.
The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.
Next was the Treasurer's Report given by Bro. Alaback. Bro. Poll moved and Bro. Lambert seconded that it be accepted as read subject to the usual audit. The Motion carried.
The Secretary then read the bills for the month of September and Bro. Poll moved, Bro. Lambert seconded that they be paid. Motion carried.
The next order of business was the report of the several committees;
HOUSE: Bro. Poll reported that he had visited Bro. Reifenstein and that he wanted ¥200,000 to vacate the premises, and that Bro. Hodges had made the money available out of pocket. W Bro. Williams moved and Bro. Poll seconded that Far East Lodge make available ¥200,000 to reimburse Bro. Hodges in case the House Committee did not. Motion carried.
At Bro. Hunt's request, Bro. Poll reported on the progress of the roof and electrical work, and that perhaps it would be completed by this coming Friday.
ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. Alaback reported that Past Masters' night was on schedule for the 16th and that he needed to know how many would be attending and a count was taken. MW Bro. Robertson reported 8 Brethren would attend from Yokosuka Lodge No. 20.
PUBLICATIONS: Bro. Bartelson reported that he and Bro. Lambert (ass't Editor-in-Chief) had been working and the next issue should be in the mail around the middle of this month.
COACHING: Bro Hodges reported that Bro. Reyna would give the proficiency in the Fellowcraft degree next Wednesday night. Bro. Lambert reported working with Bro. Korman, and Bro. Hodges requested that RW Bro. Nishiyama would assist Bro. Ohkawa.
SICK & VISITATION: Bro Hodges read letter from Bro. Bennett and wife relaying that they had arrived OK, and she would be undergoing further medical treatment. Also that RW Bro. Nishiyama was not feeling too well.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP: W Bro. Williams reported Bro. Patterson had become LM No. 152, and the WM presented Bro. Patterson his card at the Altar.
CHARITY: Bro. Hodges reported that there had not been very much acttivity this year and requested all to think about things to do next year. Also asked for a volunteer to serve on the G.L. Sight Assistance Committee.
The Secretary then read a letter from Bro. Thomas J. Maddie, LM No. 1, to be restored to good standing.
NEW BUSINESS: Bro. Bartelson moved, Bro. Lambert seconded that the lodge expend $100.00 for a typewriter. Motion carried.
As required, the WM then read Art. 2, Section 1 of the Lodge By-Laws and Arts 100, 100a and 100b of the Grand Lodge Constitution. He also announced that the GL Workshop would be held from 0800–1200 hours on the 26th of Oct. and encouraged everyone to attend. MW Bro. Robertson remarked that coffee and donuts would be served in the morning on that date.
W Bro. Henderson, a visitor from Lodge No. 583, Victoria, Australia made a few interesting observations on the slight differences in the work etc., and that it was his first visit outside his Grand Jurisdiction and thanked all for having the pleasure of attending tonight.
Under Masonic Education, MW Bro. Robertson read a very interesting article published by the Grand Lodge of Washington, entitled, "What I would like my friends to know about Freemasonry".
Bro. Hodges then announced that next week would be a lodge of Fellowcraft Masons for the purpose of listening to Bro. Reyna's proficiency and also a lodge of instruction, and on the following Wednesday a Third Degree for Bro. Reyna and Past Masters Night. Also that the last 2 Wednesdays were open.
Bro. Lasalle who had returned for a brief visit remarked that he was saying his final goodbye this time as he would be on his way to SE Asia on Friday, that he had enjoyed working with all the Brethren and his only regret was that he had not more time to remain.
There being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, the WM announced that we would proceed to close.
Peace and harmony prevailing this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 21:20 hours, with Bro. Hodges SW (acting WM) in the East, Bro. Dunning JW (acting SW) in the West and Bro. Poll (acting JW) in the South.
(There were 14 Brethren present)