Minutes 6 August 1975

The 217th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-Cho, Yokohama, Japan on the 6th day of August, 1975.

A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours with Bro. Bartelson, JW, (acting MW) in the East, Bro. Alaback, Treasurer (acting SW) in the West and Bro. Otani, MM, (acting JW) in the South.

At this time the Most Worshipful Grand Master Of Masons for the Jurisdiction of Japan and other Grand Officers were received with Grand Honors, after which MW Bro. Leo N. Parlavecchio, GM, was seated in the East. The other Grand Officers chose to remain on the level with the Brethren.

The WM then recognized the other distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's register of this date, and announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of August the next order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent special meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read. The Secretary then read a letter relating the death of Bro. Martin K. Mason and the WM requested the Brethren to be upstanding for a moment of silent prayer for Bro. Mason.

Bro. Alaback then gave a detailed financial report and it was moved by Bro. Poll and seconded by MW Bro. Robertson to accept the report subject to the usual audit. Motion carried

The next order of business was the report of the several committees:

HOUSE: Bro. Poll reported NEG.

ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. Bartelson reported that the Picnic was a success and that everyone who attended seemed to enjoy themselves.

DeMOLAY: RW Bro. Nishiyama reported NEG.

PUBLICATIONS: Bro. Bartelson reported next issue of FT's will be started soon.


COACHING: Bro. Alaback reported Bro. Negranzia coming along fine and Bro. Okawa will attend next meeting. Bro. Bartelson reported Bro. McGeorge was out of the area.

AUDITING: Bro. Diel reported still working on audit.

SICK & VISITATIONS: Pro. Diel was pleased to report NEG.

LAPSATION: W Bro. Williams reported that all dues and suspension notices had been mailed, and that many had responded.

SIGHT ASSISTANCE: Bro. Alaback reported he and MW Bro. Yamada had visited 5 hospitals in the local area in connection with the Sight Assistance program. Also that they had found a Japanese girl with an ear problem which they had referred to the Shriners, and that she would be admitted to the hospital for corrective surgery next Sunday.


PETITIONS READ: The petition to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge was read for the following:

MR. NICHOLS, Charles Eugene


NEW BUSINESS: Bro. Bartelson announced that on Oct 18th there would be a mid-year Grand Lodge Communication and Workshop beginning at 7:30, breakfast at 06:30.

The Grand Master MW Bro. Leo N. Parlavecchio then spoke informally on many items of Masonic interest and on the future objectives of lodges wthin the jurisdiction, he then invited each and every brother in the Lodge to voice any opinions which they may wish to make on any subject, after which he replied by way of explanation to each question which arose during the discussions. The whole discussion proved to be very enlightening to all and was enjoyed by everyone. Bro. Reyna extended his thanks to the WM and Brethren for allowing him and his boys ball team to attend the picnic, he did so on behalf of all the parents of the boys and himself, particularly since it happened to be his birthday also. Additionally that the parents had donated a sum of money which he would turn over to the harmony fund.

Acting WM Bro. Bartelson then thanked the GM and requested that he close the lodge. MW Bro. Parlavecchio remarked that he was delighted at being able to attend this evening, congratulated the Officers and Brethren on the fine floor work performed and assured all that he will continue to work hard for our fraternity. With peace and harmony prevailing the Grand Master closed the Lodge in adequate form at 21:50 hours with Bro. Alaback (acting SW) in the West and Bro. Otani (acting JW) in the South.

(There were 12 Brethren present)