Minutes 3 September 1975

The 218th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-Cho, Yokohama, Japan on the 3rd day of September l975.

A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours with W Bro. Hodges in the East, Bro. Bartelson, JW (acting SW) in the West and Bro. Otani, (acting JW) in the South.

The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren and first time visitors as listed in the Tiler's register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of September the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last stated meeting and all subsequent special meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes, and they were approved as corrected.

Next was the Treasurer's Report prepared by Bro. Alaback and presented by W Bro. Hodges. It was approved as presented subject to the usual audit.

The Secretary then presented the bills for the period and RW Bro. Nishiyama moved and Bro. Bartelson seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried

The next order of business was the report of the several committees:

HOUSE: W Bro. Williams reported that 40 some broken windows were being replaced and puttied. W Bro. Hodges reported that the House Committee will have a regular meeting soon.

ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. Bartelson announced that a committee meeting will be held immediately after this meeting to make arrangements for PM night. W Bro. Hodges announced that dinner will be served after the Degree work on PM night and that the Lodge would open early on that night.

PUBLICATIONS: Bro. Bartelson announced that Bro. Watson was working on next issue of FTs and should be ready in about 2 weeks

AUDITING: Bro. Diel reported audit completed and found to be in good order and he had noted his recommendations. W Bro. Hodges reported that the Treasurer had recommended an audit every month to reduce work load of auditing.


COACHING: Bro. Bartelson reported Bro. Wilson should be ready soon but did not know anything about Bro. Ohkawa.

LAPSATION: W Bro. Williams reported NEG.

LIFE MEMBERSHIP: W Bro. Williams reported Bro. Ronald Korman had become Life Member No. 160.

CHARITY: W Bro. Hodges had nothing to report at this time.


BALLOTING: Secret Balloting was had and the following petitioner was elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge.

Mr. NICHOLS, Charles Eugene

PETITIONS READ: Application for affilation by dual membership was read for the following:

Bro. McGOWAN, James Francis
MEMBER of Yokosuka Lodge No. 20.

A petition to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge was read for the follwoing:

Mr. HARDING, Perry C.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Secretary reminded the Brethren of the installation of lodge officers to be held by Sinim Lodge on the 16th.

NEW BUSINESS: W Bro. Hodges read letter from GM concerning carnival to be held for orphaned children on 22–23 Nov. 1975. Also appointed himself as program manager for the project. Also read another letter signed by the GM concerning the Lodge System of education. He then read letter from GM announcing the death of MW Brother George N. Morgulis who passed away August 23rd, 1975 and requested the Brethren to be upstanding for prayer in memory of MW Bro. Morgulis. He also announced the the Great Lights will be draped for the required period. He than made the following announcements: Next week would be a First Degree and a Second Degree would be held after the 17th and maybe a Third Degree at the end of the month. Past Masters night 13th October, and W Bro. Williams to present list of officers participating at the next Stated Meeting, also election of officers on December 3 and installation on the 13th.

There being no further business to come before this lodge of Master Masons the WM announced that the Lodge would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 21:10 hours with W Bro. Hodges in the East, Bro. Bartelson in the West and Bro. Otani in the South.

(There were 12 Brethren present)