The 229th STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 4th day of August 1976.
A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours with WB BARTELSON, WM in the East, Bro. ALABACK, SW, in the West, and Bro. McGOWAN, JW in the South.
The WM recognized the distinguished brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of August 1976, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last stated meeting and all subsequent special meetings.
The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.
Next was the Treasurer's Report given by Bro. NEGRANZA. It was moved by WB HODGES and seconded by Bro. McGOWAN that the Treasurer's Report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED
The Secretary than read the bills for the period and WB WILLIAMS moved and Bro. ALABACK seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED
Next was the report of the several committees:
HOUSE: WB HODGES reported that the House Committee met on 13 July 1976 as scheduled and voted not to enter into any correspondence with the District Grand Lodge Far East S.C. concerning the status of the Temple and Grounds. The Committee also voted a ¥35,000 summer bonus for Mrs. Nagumo.
ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. McGOWAN reported on the Picnic noting poor attendance. Bro. ALABACK advised of accepting a plaque from the Baseball Team the Lodge sponsored. Bro. McGOWAN advised that preliminary planning for PM Night has started and that Bro. Matthew ZALEWSKI has been requested and has consented to oversee the culinary arrangements for the evening. WB BARTELSON advised that the fishing party was set for 29 August 1976 and that details would be provided at subsequent meetings.
DeMOLAY: Negative
PUBLICATIONS: WB HODGES reported negative.
MEMBERSHIP: WB HODGES reported still receiving response from Brethren in arrears and that he is beginning to receive response from Brethren who were susended for N.P.D.
COACHING: Bro. McGOWAN reported Bro. EADS ready for First Degree proficiency.
AUDITING: Negative.
LAPSATION: Negative.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP: WB BARTELSON announced that Bro. NEGRANZA has become Life Member No. 166 and presented Bro. NEGRANZA with his Life Membership card.
CHARITY: Negative.
SIGHT ASSISTANCE: Bro. ALABACK reported the following:
An Optical Scanning Machine paid for by the Grand Lodge Sight Assistance Fund was purchased at a price of ¥650,000. Far East Lodge No. 1 representative for the Grand Lodge Sight Assistance Committee, Bro. ALABACK, was given the honor of donating this machine to the recipient of his choice. Bro. ALABACK determined that the machine should be donated to the Yokohama Blind School as he felt that it would benefit the largest group of people.
The Optical Scanner is like a black and white TV but with the ability to magnify items up to twenty times their original size. Basic office equipment, such as typewriters, can be used with the machine to teach new skills to people who are considered legally blind but can see to some extent. The machine can be used by individuals or groups.
Experts in the field of educational training with the Scanner have volunteered their services in helping to set up class work at no cost.
A new, improved model of the machine will be available in September 1976. The newer model will be purchased and delivered to the School on or about 12/15th of September 1976.
LODGE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION: Bro ALABACK reported that Bros. EADS and FERRER would be scheduled for their second reading soon.
LIBRARY: Negative.
BALLOTTING: Secret balloting was held on the petition of Mr. NORMAN, Charles Emric and he was elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge.
RECEPTION OF PETITIONS: WB HODGES read a letter from Bro. THOMPSON, Cecil Warren, requesting restoration (N.P.D.). Bro. THOMPSON's letter was accompanied by a check for $100.00. WB BARTELSON directed the petition to take the usual course.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: WB BARTELSON brought before the Lodge the proposed revision to the By-Laws as presented at the last Stated Meeting and directed the Secretary to re-read the proposed changes. Upon completion of the reading WB BARTELSON called for a vote and by unanimous consent of the Members present the proposed revision to the By-Laws as presented to the Lodge at the July 1976 Stated meeting was approved. The Secretary to prepare and forward to the Grand Master all the necessary documentation for perusal by the Grand Master.
NEW BUSINESS: Bro. ALABACK reported on the proceedings of the G/L Executive Committee meeting of 24 July 1976. He advised that there would be a letter coming out on the blood drive that the G/L has ordered 3,000 each 20 Year Coins and that the Mid-Year G/L Workshop would be held in Tokyo rather than in Kyoto as was contemplated. He advised that the G.L. would like to know how many coins are wanted. WB HODGES moved and WB WILLIAMS seconded that the Lodge purchase 300 each for resale to the Brethren. MOTION CARRIED
Bro. HUNT read an article on Dues and Fees which was most appropriate.
Bro. McGOWAN read an article from the Constitution concerning the preparation of the Ballott Box.
WB SAGARA brought up the matter of preserving the Banner of Far East Lodge 124.
At the sound of the gavel in the East MWB Shigeru NISHIYAMA, Grand Master of Masons in Japan, opened the Grand Lodge of Japan for the purpose of presenting WB BARTELSON, WM, Far East Lodge No. 1 with his Commission as the representative of the Grand Lodge of Nevada Near the Grand Lodge of Japan. MWB NISHIYAMA admonished Bro. BARTELSON on his duties and urged him to represent his Grand Lodge with diligence and care. WB BARTELSON resorided with appropriate remarks. The Grand Master then closed this session of the Grand Lodge.
Bro. ALABACK advised that Bro. POLING extends fraternal greetings and advises that he will be returning to Japan after Labor Day.
Bro. Ralph Wayne VAUGHN spoke of his recent visit to two lodges and two Shriner Hospitals in his home state of Oklahoma.
WB BARTELSON then announded that there will be a First Degree next Wednesday for Mr. NORMAN.
The GM then rose and spoke briefly, apologizing for his being absent from his home lodge so much and asking for continued understanding of his special position this year. He thanked all the Brethren for the fine picnic and he especially thanked Bro. ALABACK for his work on the Sight Assistance Committee of the Grand Lodge asking him to continue his outstanding work.
The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this Lodge was closed in modified form at 21:17 hours with WB BARTELSON, WM in the East, Bro. ALABACK, SW in the West, and Bro. McGOWAN, JW, in the South.
(There were 15 Brethren Present)