The 241st STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 3rd day of August 1977.
A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 19:30 hours with WB McGowan, WM in the East, WB Sagara, SW in the West, and Bro. Negranza, JW in the South.
The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date.
He then announced that the Committee of Investigation on the petition of Mr. David Richard Thomas had returned an unfavorable report and therefore, the petition was rejected. The Secretary to inform Mr. Thomas and return the fee.
He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of August 1977, the next order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.
The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read after VWB Jackson requested and received clarification concerning the proper identification of visiting Brethren performing work.
Next was the Treasurer's Report given by Bro. Zalewski. It was moved by WB DeLuna and seconded by WB Hodges that the Treasurer's Report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit for June and July.
The Secretary than read the bills for the period and Bro. Livernois moved and WB Sagara seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees:
HOUSE: Deferred and taken up under Old Business.
ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. Livernois gave a report on the proposed fishing trip.
DeMOLAY: Nothing to report.
PUBLICATIONS: McGowan reminded the Wardens and Brethren that articles for publication in the Friendly Tips are always welcomed. They should be submitted to the Secretary not later than 1 September 1977 for inclusion in the next edition.
MEMBERSHIP: No report.
COACHING: Bro. Redman reported that Bro. Walker would be ready for his 2° proficiency on the 10th of Aug. MWB Nishiyama reported that Bro. Ortiz is working but that due to family considerations he would be somewhat delayed. Bro. Livernois reported that Bro. Jewell would be ready for his 1° proficiency in approximately 3 weeks.
AUDITING: WB DeLuna reported that due to the previous discrepancies in the Treasurer's Books the audit had not yet been performed. WB Hodges recommended that the Audit Committee choose a night other than the Stated Meeting to audit the books since time is generally not adequate to perform a proper audit just prior to Stated Meetings.
SICK & VISITATION: WB McGowan requested that Brethren to keep him informed of any known illness of the Brethren or their family.
LAPSATION: No report.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP: WB Hodges had nothing to report.
CHARITY: Deferred and taken up under New Business.
SIGHT ASSISTANCE: Nothing to report.
LIBRARY: Nothing to report.
BALLOTING: WB McGowan reported that due to Bro. Allen's departure from the immediate area the Committee of Investigations on his petition for Dual membership has not had time to complete their investigations, therefore additional time was granted until Bro. Allen returns to the area and the Committee can complete their investigations and report to him.
WB McGowan read two letters as follows.
OLD BUSINESS: WB McGowan gave a partial report on action he had taken concerning the Temple and property. However, the exact nature of the action taken was not made clear even after two requests by the Secretary for the WM to do so. After preliminary remarks WB DeLuna moved and WB Williams seconded a motion that we ratify the action of our Worshipful Master concerning his instructions to our legal counsellor to inform Sumitomo Co. of our objection to the sale of the Temple and property. Further that the Worshipful Master be authorized to take necessary action to bring this matter to a successful conclusion by whatever legal means necessary.
WB Bettencourt requested clarification of potential costs involved in the motion. None were provided. Bro. Maadie then read a statement as follows:
WM & Brethren: Long before the war some good Brother Masons saw fit to purchase property and build this fine Masonic Building which has served Masonry well before the war and after the war to the present date; for the many Masonic functions, and as a symbol of Masonry in this great and beautiful land of the Rising Sun which many of us have learned to love as our own Countries and possibly more.
Ever since my affiliation with this Lodge in 1948, I have heard rumblings of a cloud over the ownership title of this property, which some felt might pose future problems, and tried to clear. During WB Yule's tenure as WM (in 1956?) I proposed the formation of a House Committee for the purpose of finding suitable property, the purchase thereof and the erection of a suitable Masonic Temple in the name of Far East Lodge No. 1. (Property and building costs were still reasonable at that time.) The motion was carried and WB Yule appointed a Committee for the purpose with Bro. Kennedy as chairman (being an active seafaring man I have not been able to participate fully in Lodge activities). I later learned that suitable properties were found for the consideration of the Lodge, but that members of Lodge Star in the East No. 640 had dissuaded the Officers of Far East Lodge No. 1 from carrying out our plan. Now, it seems, we may be facing a real problem from certain Masons far removed from the scene who may be eyeing the high property values here, and place them above Masonic considerations.
Since matters have progressed to the present unfortunate state whereby Brother Masons may be forced to go to the Civil Courts to resolve the problem, I for one am in favor of clearing this property title bugaboo for once and for all, for the use of Brother Masons in Japan and placing said title either in the name of Far East Lodge No. 1 or in joint tenancy with Lodge Star in the East No. 640. As soon as this is done I am in favor of making the necessary repairs and alterations on this symbol of Masonry in Japan to reinforce the structure and to make it more suitable for Masonic use and more comfortable for the Brethren. Furthermore at the earliest practicable time I am in favor of building a large office building on the premise, the proceeds of which shall go for future Masonic needs and Charitable acts.
The required expenditures for above shall be procured through a loan from Zaidan Hojin or other Masonic Bodies or any other sources; in above order.
/s/ Thomas J. Maadie.
OLD BUSINESS: (CONT) Bro. Bettencourt then started to discuss the motion further, however WB McGowan determined that no further discussion of the motion would be had and arbitrarily moved the question. MOTION CARRIED.
WB Williams then relayed information on the status of the property, etc. that was relayed to him by MWB Yamada as follows: MWB Yamada reported to me that he had gone to the Land Registration Office and got a copy of the Registration. It reads (Masonic Halls Ltd.) Also he went to business registration Bro. and found that it was not registered there at all. WB McGowan stated that until he had received a legal opinion concerning the findings of MWB Yamada, the matter would not be discussed.
The WM then called the Lodge briefly free from restraint to allow the Secretary time to catch up on his notes and at the sound of the gavel in the East MWB Robertson read part of an oration as given in this Lodge approximately 50 years ago by WB Ernest Reed Harrison. The complete text of the oration is attached as enclosure (1) hereto.
NEW BUSINESS: WB McGowan announced that Bro. John Walker would be raised on the 10th August if found proficient in the 2nd Degree.
WB McGowan requested Bro. Livernois to arrange a fishing trip as soon as possible. He announced the Lodge would sponsor a picnic for approximately 50 orphans to be held on 17 September 1977 in the picnic area adjacent to the Yokohama Dispensary. He instructed the Secretary to write a letter to COMFLEACT Yokosuka, requesting permission o use the area indicated.
WB Bettencourt brought greetings from Lodge Star in the East No. 640, S.C. and stated that he hoped that the two Lodges would continue to work in peace and harmony for as many more years as heretofore. WB McGowan requested WB Bettencourt to carry his greetings to his own Lodge and to reiterate to his members that they are always welcome in Far East No. 1.
MWB PARLAVECCHIO then spoke on the Temple and property, pointing out that the actions concerning the property should be taken in harmony with all Bodies concerned and that unilateral actions should be avoided if at all possible. Facts, not opinions or conjecture, should be the basis for all actions.
Bro. Maadie then commented that he hoped the matter concerning the Temple and property would not be taken to court and then bid the Brethren farewell for another year since his departure from Japan is imminent.
The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 21:13 hours with WB McGowan, WM in the East, WB Sagara, SW in the West, and Bro. Negranza, JW in the South.
(There were 18 Brethren Present)