Minutes 5 April 1978

The 249th STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 5th day of April 1978.

A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 1930 hours with Worshipful Brother DeLuna in the East, Brother Redman in the West, and Brother Norman in the South.

The Worshipful Master announced the first order of business this evening would be to receive Worshipful Brother Robert L. Williams, PM, Grand Lodge Inspector for Far East Lodge No. 1, with Grand Honors. WB Williams was received with Grand Honors with an appropriate welcome address by the WM. WB Williams extended fraternal greetings from the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Ronald B. Napier, also WB Williams told the WM that he stood ready to lend his assistance to the Lodge in any way possible. The WM thanked WB Williams, he then recognized the other distinguished Brethren and visitors present as listed in the Tiler's Register of this Date.

He then presented Brother Kazuo Ando, a member of Tokyo Yuai No. 11, with a first-time visitors card and invited WB Ando to visit with us when ever he could. The WM then reappointed WB McGowan as Secretary (pro-tem) for the Month of April.

The WM then announced that our next order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and any subsequent Special Meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.

Next was the Treasurer's report given by Brother Zalewski. It was moved by Brother Redman and seconded by Brother Albury that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary read the bills for the month of March. It was moved by Brother Redman and seconded by Brother Sketo that we pay our bills. MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary then read a bill for our lawyers in the amount of Yen 30,299. WB McGowan moved and Brother Redman seconded that we pay this bill. After a brief discussion, the MOTION CARRIED.

Next was the report of the several committees:

CHARITY: The WM asked Brother Sketo to work with Brother Weaver in contacting the Kawasaki Orphanage and find out if we could donate some clothes.

PAY of MEMBERS: Brother Albury reported that the Secretary would take care of the 1978 dues. The committee would compile a list of Brethren who had been suspended for Non Payment of Dues (NPD) for our Grand Lodge to send to other Grand Lodges to see he they had any information of the lost Brethren. The WM said he wanted the list of lost Brethren sent to the VFW, FRA, and the Bureaus of Personnel for the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps to see if they could give us a current address or, if they would not give us this information, perhaps they would forward a letter to them if we supplied the stamped envelope and letter.

The Secretary then brought up the matter of dropping from our Lodge records the following named candidate/Brethren: Mr. Cunningham, Brother Ohkawa and Brother Okuyama, the matter was to be brought up under New Business.

REFRESHMENT: The WM asked Brother Walker to start laying the ground work for our annual picnic and to invite the Kawasaki orphanage. Also the WM directed Brother Walker to invite a Japanese Rotary Club attend a dinner at the Lodge and also to invite them to provide a guest speaker. The Rotary Club members were to be asked to bring their wives and we also would bring our wives, in this way we might be able to expose more of the Japanese to Masonry.

FRIENDLY TIPS: The Secretary reported that we had saved about 13,000 Yen on the last issue and that he expected to save that much and more on the next issue. The Secretary asked the Brethren that if they had anything they would like to see printed in the FTs to please just write it out and give it to him.

COACHING: Brother Walker reported that Brother Skinner was doing fine and that he would be ready to be raised on the 19th of April. The WM reported we would raise Brother Fields on the 12th of April and that he had called Brother Ortiz and it seems that Brother Ortiz is going to school on Wednesday nights and it would he some time before he would be able to progress.

SICK and VISITATION: The WM reported that Brother Snyder was in the Yokosuka Naval Hospital and would appreciate a visit from any of the Brethren. Also no further word had been received on the status of MWB Peck.

MASONIC EDUCATION: Negative Report. But Brother Albury reported he had copies of the Grand Lodge Twentieth Anniversary Pamphlet for sale and that it was very interesting reading.

AUDIT: Brother Sketo reported he had not conducted an audit because he had been unable to get the books from the Treasurer. The WM directed Brother Zalewski to make sure the books were made available to the audit committee.

TEMPLE TRUST FUND: WB Williams said that after the meeting he would go over the books and make sure the TTF donation board was up-to-date.

HOUSE: The WM reported that the House Committee at the meeting of 21 March had elected Mrs. Josephine W. Sagara, Past Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star, as chairman. The subject of the air conditioners was discussed and the representative from Star in the East No. 640, S.C. would give a report at the next meeting of the committee at the end of April. Also we will need to find a new tenant for the house behind the Lodge when Brother Fields moves in a couple of months. The parking fees were going to be increased. Concerning the Yen 288,000 Brother Swanson (member of 640) had collected for parking fees and had not turned over to the house committee, our lawyers had been instructed to initiate action to recover the money. The WM reported that the advice he had received from our lawyers, was to stand fast, to maintain our position and wait and see what F.H.S. Clark from Kobe does. The lawyers feel that perhaps something will develop, but it might be this year or it could take two or three years.

BALLOTING: Balloting was held on the petition of Brother David Gabriel Delpino for dual membership and he was elected.




  1. A letter from Brother Judge Mayer saying he still enjoyed reading the Friendly Tips and that he missed the Brethren in Japan.


  1. A letter from Right Worshipful Brother Kiyoshi Takano, Senior Grand Lecturer, introducing WB Robert L. Williams as our Grand Lodge Inspector for the Masonic Year 1978.
  2. A letter from the Grand Secretary concerning requests from the Brethren asking what the Dues are.


  1. A motion was made by Brother Redman and seconded by Brother Sketo to donate $100 from the Harmony Fund to the Grand Lodge Charity for Orphans Committee. Afetr discussion on the floor: MOTION CARRIED
  2. Brother Redman reported that Lodge Aprons to be made in Japan (local) cost about #3.00 each. He said that on his next TAD trip to the P.I. he would check and see how much it would cost to have them made there. MWB Robertson stated that White Cotton Aprons were available from the Grand Lodge at 45O Yen each.


1. The Secretary recommended that Mr. Jerry Thomas Cunningham, Brother Masaaki Ohkawa and Brother Yasuo Michael Okuyama be dropped from the Lodge records for non-progression and the fees received be forfeited. History as follows:

After a discussion amoung the Brethren the WM so ordered. The Secretary reported that Brother Gary Michael Manes has made no progress since 20 April 1977 and that at our Stated Meeting of May he would recommend that Brother Manes be dropped from the Lodge Record for non/progression.

2. WB Sagara reported that there would be a Work Party at the Lodge on the 15th and 22nd of April beginning at 0900. He asked the Brethren if they could not attend one of the days to attend the other and if they were unable to attend either of the days to make a cash donation for supplies.

3. Brother Tadashi Ohashi after being asked the first question by the WM proceeded to give an unassisted proficiency in the Third Degree at the completion fo which he was found to be proficient by the WM.

4. Brother Raymond Edward Jewell was presented a Master Mason's Diploma by the WM.

The Worshipful Master then announced that there being nothing further to come before this lodge of Master Masons we would proceed to close. Peace and Harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2225 hours with Worshipful Brother DeLuna in the East, Brother Redman in the West and Brother Norman in the South.

(There were 15 Brethren present.)