Minutes 1 November 1978

The 256th STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 1st day of November 1978.

A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 1930 hr. with WB DeLuna WM in the East, Bro. Barrs (Acting) SW in the West and Bro. Sketo (acting) JW in the South,

The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tiler Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of Nov. The first order of business would be to appoint Bro. Medley as Secretary for the month of November. The next order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were corrected and approved.

Next was the Treasurer's Report giving by Bro. Zalewski. It was moved by Bro. Barrs and seconded by Bro. Walker that the Treasurer's Report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit.

The Secretary read the bills for the period and Bro. Walker moved and Bro. Barrs seconded that the bills be paid. Total 765,062 yen.

Next was the report of the several committees:

REFRESHMENT/ENTERTAINMENT: The WM ask Bro. Walker to get some coke for the Lodge.

HOUSE: On Oct. 2Oth a meeting was held in the Judge's chambers. The Judge recommended that Far East No. 1 & Order of Eastern Star change their position from purported owners to challenging the sale of the property by F.S.H. Clark and Masonic Hall Ltd. Hong Kong. He said he could not except (with out concrete evidence) the claim of F. E. No. 1 & O.E.S. that the three using bodies are the owners of the property. He admitted that he would act favorably if we changed our approach to a challenge rather than a claim of ownership.

RECEPTION OF PETITIONS: The Secretary read the petition of:

Mr. CLARKE, Harry Wallace.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The WM read articles 100, 100a, 100b, 100c, 100d, 100e, 101, 114, and 115 of the Constitution and Article 2 Sections 1 and 2 of the By-Laws.

NEW BUSINESS: After much discussion about the state of our checking account Bro. Sketo made a motion that we pay the lawyers' fee and the Secretary fee and hold all other bills until we could cash a bond to bring up our checking balance. Moved by Bro. Barrs seconded by Bro. Walker. MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary was ordered to write a letter to the Grand Lodge to withdraw a bond for 1 million yen.

FRIENDLY TIPS: The WM asked all Bro. who had anything to put in the F/T to get them to him as they were late now and we needed to get them out soon.

MWB Robertson announced that the Grand Lodge wanted to hold a Masonic Funeral service for MWB PARLAVECCHIO at Far East Lodge No. 1 on the 26th of Nov. at 1300 hr. and ask the assistance of all the Brethren. The WM approved.

Bro. Barrs then asked that we each talk to our Bro. and get them back in the Lodge as our attendance was falling off.

The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2142 hr. with WB DeLuna, WM in the East, Bro. Barrs, SW, in the West (acting) and Bro. Sketo (acting) JW, in the South.

(There were 8 Brethren present.)