The 264th STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 4th day of July 1979.
A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 12:00 hours with WB Jack C. Barrs, WM in the East, Bro. Millard C. Sketo, SW in the West, and WB Robert L. Williams, PM, acting JW in the South.
The WM extended recognition to those Brethren who had distinguished themselves in Masonry and first time visitors as listed in the Tiler's register of this date.
VWB James Lyne Johnston, Senior Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of Japan was received with Grand Honors and seated in the East.
The WM then announced that this meeting had been called to order at 12:00 hours noon by special dispensation No. 15-79 issued by MWB Howard M. Voss, Jr., which he then read after calling the Brethren to be upstanding.
And, at the sound of the gavel in the East, he further announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the Month of July the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.
The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.
The Treasurer's report was postponed due to the excused absence of Bro. Matthew Zalewski.
The Secretary then presented the bills for the period, and WB Hodges moved and Bro. Sketo seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.
Due to the nature of this meeting the report of the several committees was postponed.
CORRESPONDENCE: WM read letters from Bro. Howe and Bro. Ryan. Bro. Howe returned some FT's that were undeliverable.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: VWB Johnston, SGL, then gave an extremely interesting talk on Clandestine Masonry, which was enjoyed by all. MWB Robertson reported on the present condition of Bro. Ohashi's wife and that he would be attending Lodge soon. The WM then spoke briefly on the 203rd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, and asked all to join with him in beseeching divine blessings upon our great country. He then announced that a 4th of July picnic would be held immediately following closing ceremonies and invited all to join in.
There being nothing further and with peace and harmony prevailing this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 13:40 hours with WB Jack C. Barrs, WM, in the East, Bro. Millard C. Sketo, SW, in the West and MWB Floyd J. Robertson (acting JW) in the South.
(There were 13 Brethren present.)