Minutes 2 January 1980

The 270th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F.& A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 2nd day of January 1980.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1930 hours with WBr. Katagiri, WM in the East, Br. Sketo, (acting) SW in the West, and Br. Judy, (acting) JW in the South.

The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren and first time visitors as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated meeting for the month of January, the first order of business would he the reading of the minutes of the last stated meeting and all subsequent special meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.

Next was the Treasurer's report. The Bank Balance was read by the Secretary and it was accepted subject to the usual audit.

The Secretary then read the bills for the period and WBr. Hodges moved and WBr. Yamada seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED

Ballotting on the petition of WBr. Fogle for dual membership in this lodge was held and he was elected. (Due to an administrative error on the Sec's part, WBr. Fogle's petition had not been forwarded for inclusion in the GL Bulletin and therefore the election was set aside).

The next order of business was the appointment of Committees by the WM. A copy of his appointments was read in open Lodge and is attached to these Minutes.

There were no new petitions.

The WM then announced that due to an oversight, a picture of the Officers of the Lodge had not been taken and he asked that everyone wear suitable attire so that the picture could be taken at the February Stated Meeting. Br. Judy said that he would gladly take the picture if he was there.

The WM then announced that there would be a second degree next week for Br. Clark and Br. Dodd. He then made appropriate appointments for the Trestle Board for the work.

Brother Judy reported that the Harmony Fund had a current balance of about ¥39,435 and $387.l6.

The Secretary reminded the Brethren that the dues for 1980 were due and payable at the rate of ¥4,500 or $25.00.

There was much discussion about the House and Temp1e Problem concerning Brethren wanting to know more about the status of same. The WM announced that WBr. Barrs would give a written report on the subject by the next stated meeting and that he would establish a Lodge policy on the subject for the benefit of the lodge and Brethren concerned.

Peace and Harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2115 hours with WBr. Katagiri in the East, Br. Sketo in the West, and Br. Judy in the South.

There were ___ Brethren present.




Committee Responsibility Chairman/Members
Audit Auditing Books Hodges, Barrs, Williams
Investment (Temple Trust Fund) Managing investment of the funds including "Temple Trust Fund" Katagiri, Nishiyama, Ohashi, Yamada, Barrs
House In charge of expenses, revenue and other issues on the house Barrs, Sketo, Ohnishi, Nishiyama
Coaching Coaching young brothers Hodges, Ohashi, Jewel, Judy
Friendly Tips Editing/Printing the Tips Hodges
Charity Relieving brothers and general Charity Katagiri, Nishiyama, Ohashi
Sick & Visitation To soothe the unhappy brothers Barrs, Fogle, Clarke
Refreshment Arrange special events (banquets, etc.) and usual refreshment in the Lodge Ohashi, Clarke, Judy
Masonic Education/Lodge History Educating brother as deemed necessary Robertson, Yamada, Nishiyama


  1. The Chairman may appoint additional members to his committee as required.
  2. Each committee requires a written report to the stated Meeting.