The 273rd Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM was held at the Masonic Temple No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 2nd day of April 1980.
A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1930 hours with WB Katagiri, WM in the East, Br. Howard, (acting) SW in the West, and Br. Ohashi, JW in the South.
The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren and first time visitors as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for th month of April, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.
The usual order of business was temporarily suspended while WB Barrs examined Br. Harry Wallace Clark in the proficiency for the MM Degree.
Br. Clark was found to be proficient in the Third Degree of Masonry and was appropriately congratulated by the Brethren.
The Secretary then read the minutes and they were approved as read.
Next a brief Treasurer's reoort was given by MWB Yamada. WB Hodges moved and Br. Howard seconded that the Treasurer's report be accepted subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED
The bills were then read by the Secretary and MWB Yamada moved and Br. Howard seconded that we pay our just debts. MOTION CARRIED
Next was the report of the several committees.
SICK AND VlSITATION: Barrs reported that he knew of no illnesses.
WB Hodges made a short announcement concerning Br. LaSalle's wife and asked that all of the Brethren keep Br. Lasalle and his wife in their thoughts.
AUDIT: Negative report. WB Hodges commented that he hoped that the financial condition of the Lodge would soon be cleared up.
FINANCE AND INVESTMENT: WB Barrs remarked that he hoped that our return from Bank Haus Deak would he forthcoming soon.
COACHING: WB Hodges gave a conmlete report on coaching of all Brethren and stated that not much progress could be made at this time since most were at sea who needed coaching.
FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges reported that the FTs were ready for the printer. He then stated that he thought that a special copy of the FTs should be issued upon resolution of the Temple problem which we are currently facing. WB Hodges moved and WB Barrs seconded that a special edition of the FT's be published when the Temple problem is resolved. MOTION CARRIED
WB Barrs volunteered to write the draft copy of such an edition.
CHARITY: Negative report.
REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: The WM made brief rmarks about the progress that Br. Ohashi was making on the Grand Master's Chinese dinner which is tentatively scheduled for June 7. He also asked Br. Clark if he would handle the Harmony Fund for Br. Judy who is leaving the area soon.
HOUSE: The WM reminded the Brethren of the situation as of the last meeting. WB Hodges had been empowered to mediate for the Lodge to try to determine the chances of negotiating a settlement between F.E. No. 1. and L.S.E. No. 640. WB Hodges stated that as he had expected the originally proposed agreement had met with resistance but he was endeavoring to try to see what compromise could he worked out between the two Lodges. WB Barrs then stated that his position was a very tenuous one at best and asked that the Brethren vote on whether he should proceed. He stated that if he did proceed and efforts to negotiate a settlement were not successful, that the position we (he) had established in court might lead to all the parties presently involved in a dispute over the property losing some or all of the interests they now held or claimed to hold. Br. Howard moved and Br. Clarke seconded that WB Barrs should proceed as had been discussed with the attendant risk to try to secure the rights of F.E. No. 1 and 0TS in the Temple matter. MOTION CARRIED.
There was no balloting.
Petitions for the degrees in Masonry were received and read for the following named persons:
A letter was received and read from Br. Clifford C. Holley, Jr. who had been suspended for NPD on Dec 31, 1979. He forwarded the proper fees and requested reinstatement. The Secretary stated that Br. Holley's request would be handled in the usual manner and that he would be reinstated.
The Grand Lodge Bulletin was read along with numerous other pieces of routine correspondence. A request for donations to the Grand Lodge's Annual Children's Festival was received. WB Barrs stated that our usual donation to this effort was ¥30,000. MWB Yamada moved and WB Barrs seconded that we donate ¥30,000 to the Children's Festival. MOTION CARRIED.
There was no unfinished business.
The WM then announced plans for a Lodge of Instruction to be held on April 30 at which we would receive our Grand Lodge Inspector officially.
There being no further business to come before this Lodge of MMs the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2200 hours with WB Katagiri in the East, Br. Howard in the West and Br. Ohashi in the South.
There were 8 Brethren present.