The 276th STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1, F.&A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 2nd day of July 1980.
A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1930 hours with WB Katagiri, WM in the East, Bro. Brown, MM, Acting SW in the West and Bro. Ohashi, JW in the South;;
The WM recognized the distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of July, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.
Next was the Treasurer's Report which was given by MWB Yamada. WB Hodges moved and Bro. Brown seconded that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as presented subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED
The Secretary then read the bills for the period. Bro. Brown moved and Bro. Dodd seconded that we pay our bills. MOTION CARRIED
CHARITY: Negative.
ENTERTAINMENT: WB Katagiri commented on the Grand Master's Chinese Dinner and thanked All for making it a most enjoyable evening. Bro. Ohashi reported that 30 people attended the dinner, 29 were paying guests. The total bill was ¥128,000 which included tax. Funds in the amount of ¥116,000 was collected from the paying guests (¥4,000 each); ¥12,000 was donated by various members to enable full payment to the restaurant that evening.
FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges reported that the APRIL-JUNE 1980 issue was at the printer; that he expected to receive it back from the printer in about one week; and that it would be in the mail within two days after he receives it.
COACHING: WB Hodges reported that Bro. Komachi is making slow but steady progress. MWB Yamada reported that Bro. Sakai has been unavailable but that he is confident that progress would be made when Bro. Sakai is again available.
SICK AND VISITATION: WB Katagiri and WB Hodges reported that MWB Nishiyama was scheduled to enter the hospital between Yokohama Stadium and Motomachi on 30 June 1980 for 3-4 weeks for tests and examinations to determine his general state of health. MWB Nishiyama advised them both that there is nothing specifically known to be wrong, however, his doctor wants him to have a complete check up and rest for 3-4 weeks. Visiting hours at the hospital are from 1500-2000 hours on Saturday and Sunday and from 1700-2000 hours on weekdays. The Brethren were encouraged to visit MWB Nishiyama as often as possible.
Bro. Brown reported that Bro. Howard has been admitted to Yokosuka hospital for gallstones and a heart condition. Bro. Howard was operated on on 02 July 80 for the gallstones. His exact condition and prognosis was unknown. WB Katagiri requested Bro. Brown to keep track of Bro. Howard's situation and to keep him and the Lodge informed.
FINANCE AND INVESTMENT: WB Katagiri rendered the report attached hereto as enclosure (1) on this Committees meeting of 07 June 1980, which is holding discussions concerning the formulation of an investment policy for the Lodge. WB Katagiri advised that his goal is to finalize and publish an investment policy for the lodge by the end of his year as Master.
HOUSE COMMITTEE: WB Katagiri reported that the three bodies, Lodge Star In The East No. 640, Far East Lodge No. 1 and Star of The Orient, Chapter No, 2, Order of Eastern Star have reached agreement on the wording of a written agreement that will govern the future of the Temple and Property and the operation of Masonic Halls, Ltd. He passed out copies of the proposed agreement to the Brethren and advised that the procedures that will now follow are:
In consideration of the foregoing, WB Katagiri announced the establishment of a "Prepatory Committee" whose duties will be to determine the actions necessary to prepare for the next phase, that of vacating the property, reinvestment of the money md preliminary planning for the acquisition of a new temple and property and any other preliminary actions that can and should be taken in advance of the sale of the present property and subsequent evacuation by the three bodies. He appointed himself, MWB Yamada and Bro. Ohashi as members of this committee and WB Hodges was appointed as an Adviser to the Committee. All Brethren accepted.
WB Hodges reported that LSE No. 640, in anticipation of our action, also appointed three members of their Lodge to serve on the Preparation Committee. The names of their committee members are Bros. Spiwak, SW, and Takahashi and Matsushita. These Brethren have been directed by the RWM of LSE No. 640 to meet at the call of WB Katagiri and that WB Katagiri is to be the Chairman of the Committee. Thru Bro. Brown, OES Chapter #2 was invited to furnish membership to this Committee and for that body to advise WB Katagiri of the name(s) of such members appointed.
WB Katagiri announced that he would call the first meeting of the Preparation Committee as soon as possible and that reports would be rendered periodically to the three bodies of these meetings.
BALLOTTING: By secret ballot, Mr. Rosito Mota MOJICA was elected to receive the degrees of Masonry in this Lodge.
PETITIONS: No new petitions for the degrees of Masonry have been received by the Secretary.
CORRESPONDENCE: WB Hodges read the Grand Lodge Monthly Bulletin for June 1980. He then read the letter attached as enclosure (2) hereto from Bro. Richard D. Malcomson after which Bro. Brown moved and WB Hodges seconded that the Lodge remit Bro. Malcomson's dues for 1979 and 1980 and until such time as the Lodge can more clearly understand the nature of Bro. Malcomson's financial problems. The Secretary was instructed to forward Bro. Malcomson's dues card for 1980 together with a letter of explanation and a request for additional information. The answer to be read to the Lodge whenever received.
NEW BUSINESS: WB Katagiri announced that the Installation of Lodge Officers for the ensuing Masonic Year would be held on 13 December 1980. MWB Quick will be the Installing Officer with the Installing Marshal to be named at a later date.
WB Katagiri announced that the 1° would be conferred on Mr. Mojica on 9 July 80 and appointed Bro. Brown to the East for the conferral and instructed Bro. Brown to set up the Trestle Board for the evening and to give the Brethren sufficient time to prepare for their share of the work. He then announced that the 1° would be conferred on Dr. Sugano on 16 July 1980 and that he would be responsible for the preparation of the Trestle Board for that evening. It is anticipated that the conferral for Dr. Sugano will be conducted in the Japanese language.
Bro. Brown announced that the installation of officers for Yokosuka No. 20 would be held on 6 December 1980 with MWB Quick as installing Officer. Bro. Brown also suggested that a joint committee be appointed by the three bodies to inventory the Lodge and to determine ownership of all property. WB Katagiri advised that he considered matters of this nature to be within the purview of the Prepatory Committee. He will insure that this Committee addresses this problem.
There being no further business to come before this Lodge of MMs, the WM announced that we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2137 hours with WB Katagiri, WM in the East, Bro. Brown, MM, Acting SW in the West and Bro. Ohashi, JW in the South.
There were 7 members present.
A joint committee meeting was held on June 7 to discuss basic rules of investing the fund of Far East Lodge No. 1. Those attended were MWB Y. Yamada, MWB Nishiyama, WB Katagiri, WB Hodges and Bro Ohashi, representing Finance, Audit and Investment Committees of the Lodge.
After various discussions, the committee concluded to request WB Katagiri to prepare a draft proposing the investment policy which will be a basis of the future discussion of the committee.
Needless to say but we are obligated for all of our Brethren to invest our money as safely and efficiently as possible. In reviewing the record of our current investments, fortunately so far, we have not experienced particular problems in maintaining these fundamental requirements for our investments, however, contemplating the liquiding economical environments, it is strongly felt that we need to establish a firm investment policy to cope with the potential threats of drastic economical changes may take place in the future.
The world-wide economy involves the following four, potential threats for our investments.
In order to protect ourselves, aiming at efficient earnings from the investment, we must keep ourselves flexible within certain restrictions.
Some of the restrictions are proposed in the following basic policy.
02 June 80
Dear Bro. Secretary:-
Please advise how much I need to pay to be brought up to dated in order to obtain an open demit in good standing. I do not have a Lodge available and can't afford to pay the dues so I'm sorry to say I must take this step.
Would you please contact Star of the Orient Chapter #2 (Yokohama) and follow the same procedure for my wife, Dorothy (Dottie) B. Malcomson. Her reasons are the same as mine.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Richard D. Malcomson 1927 W 1600 N St George, UT 84770
P.S. If there is anyone still there that remembers me give them my regards -- I have many fond memories of the Lodge.