Minutes 7 January 1981

The 282nd STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 7th day of January 1981.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1930 hours with WB Katagiri, WM in the East, Bro. Ohashi, SW in the West, and Bro. Poll, MM, (Acting) JW in the South.

The WM recognized the distinguished brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of January 81, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last stated meeting and all subsequent special meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.

Due to the absence of the Treasurer, a negative Treasurer's Report was submitted.

The Secretary than read the bills for the period and WB Barrs moved and WB Hodges seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED

The WM called the Lodge briefly free from restraint for the purpose of preparing for the installation of two Brethren who were unable to be installed at the regular Installation of Officers held on 13 December 1980. At the sound of the gavel in the East, MWB Nishiyama, PGM, assisted by WB Jack C. BARRS, PM, proceeded to install the following named Brethren in their respective offices of:

After proclamation by WB Barrs, the above named Brethren were congratulated by the Brethren in attendance.

Next was the report of the several committees:

CHARITY: WB Katagiri submitted a negative report and advised that he would continue to be the Chairman of this committee.

SICK AND VISITATION: WB Katagiri appointed Bro. Ohashi, SW, as Chairman of this Committee. Bro. Ohashi and WB Hodges gave a report on the condition of MWB Robertson. The Lodge was raised for a moment of silent prayer for the eventual improvement and return of MWB Robertson.

REFRESHENT/ENTERTAINMENT: WB Katagiri appointed Bro. LaSalle, JW, as Chairman of this Committee. A negative report was submitted.

FRTENDLY TIPS: WB Katagiri appointed WB Hodges Chairman and Editor for the Friendly Tips. WB Hodges advised that since he is again Secretary the schedule for publishing would be slipped one month. The new publication dates for 1981 will be February, May, August and November. Inputs from the WM and other Brethren were requested.

COACHING: WB Katagiri appointed WB Hodges as Chairman of this committee. A negative report was submitted.

MASONIC EDUCAT1ON/LODGE HISTORY: WB Katagiri appointed MWB Yamada as Chairman of this committee.

AUDIT: WB Katagiri appointed MWB Nishiyama as Chairman of this committee.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: WB Katagiri appointed MWB Yamada as Chairman of this committee.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: WB Katagiri appointed MWB Nishiyama as Chairman of this committee.

HOUSE: WB Katagiri advised that he would continue as Chairman of this committee. He advised that he had nothing new to report on the legal situation. So far as he knows, MHL will either have to pursue thir legal battle in court this month or request another extention, The Lodge will be advised as matters materialize. WB Hodges advised that the House Committee may have to assess the Bodies two assesments next month in order to pay property taxes due on 28 February. It will depend on the cash flow for the balance of this month.

BALLOTTING: The petition for Demit submitted by Bro. Edwin P Yarga, an affiliated Member of this Lodge, dated December 9, 1980 and received by the Secretary was read and approved, to be effective in December 1980.

RECEPTION OF PETITIONS: The petition for the degrees of Masonry in this Lodge ubrnitted by Mr. Nestor Cabrera BALUYUT was read. The Master directed the petition run the usual course.

CORRESPONDENCE: Several pieces of correspondence, including the Grand Lodge Bulletin dated December 20, 1980, were read by the Secretary.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: WB Hodges reported that he had in hand a check for $26,701.29 from Bankhaus Deak & Comp. Ltd., representing our original investment of $2,015.73 and interest of $1685.56. Due to the present unfavorable exchange rate WB Hodges recommended reinvestment of the entire amount in a Dollar investment, preferably in the U.S., to take advantage of present high interest rates and to give time for the exchange rate to improve. WB Katagiri instructed WB Hodges to proceed with an investment but to try to limit the period of investment to 3 months but under no circumstances more than 6 months. Results to be reported to the Lodge next Stated Meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: WB Katagiri reported that the Dedication Cermoney and Cornerstone laying for the new Grand Lodge is tentatively scheduled for 14 November 1981. Tokyo Yuai No. 11 will probably hold a first degree in Japanese the night before. There will be a banquet and various functions are being planned . It is hoped that many Masonic Dignitaries from all over the world will be in attendance. More information will be provided as plans are firmed up.

The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2130 hours with WB Katagiri, WM, in the East, Bro. Ohashi, SW in the West, and Bro. LaSalle, JW, in the South.

There were 10 Brethren present.