The 293rd STATED MEETING of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 3 Bluff, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 06th day of January 1982.
A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1950 hours with WB Hodges, PM, WM in the East, WB Katagiri, PM, Acting SW in the West, and Bro. Otani, Tiler, Acting JW in the South.
Immediately after the Lodge was opened, WB Hunt, GLI for Far East Lodge No. 1, and VB Fujino, SGL, were rerceived with Grand Honors, after which the WM recognized the distinguished brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of January 1982, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last stated meeting and all subsequent special meetings.
The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.
Next was the Treasurer's Report given by MWB Yamada. It was moved by MWB Yamada and seconded by WB Brown that the Treasurer's Report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED
The Secretary then read the bills for the period and MWB Nishiyama moved and Bro. Dodd seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED
Before accepting reports of the several Committees, WB Hodges announced the appointment of members of the various committees for 1982 as per attached.
CHARITY: Negative.
SICK AND VISITATION: The WM reported his own physical status and schedule for coming examination on 25 January 1982. He said he is improving a lot.
REFRESHMENT/ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. Ohashi reported the Installation Banquet had a good turn-out and was successful. Financial report will be submitted by Bro. LaSalle at next Stated Meeting.
FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges indicated that a number of overseas Brethren have requested a "Roster Issue" of Lodge Members be published. He asked the Brethren present their feelings. As the idea was received well by the Brethren, WB Hodges advised that the next issue of the FTs would be a "Rouster Issue" for the benefit of all Brethren.
COACHING: MWB Yamada reported that he had been in contact with Bro. Sakai, EA, but without effect. No progress noted.
AUDIT: Negative.
INVESTMENT: WM stated all funds should be controlled by the Treasurer with the support of the members. Transactions by him will be testified by the Secretary. WB Katagiri suggested to proposal for the Lodge SOP to fix transactions of all Lodge funds. THe WM stated that if the Security/Investment Company will not recognize the existence of Far East Lodge #1, then perhaps all investment should be made thru the Grand Lodge of Japan. Above all, he said that Lodge funds should be under the direct control of the Lodge and not under the control of any individual Brother. The Treasurer indicated that he would take immediate action to comply with the WM's directyon and that he would be prepared to report on this matter again at the next Stated Meeting in February.
HOUSE: The WM reported current status. He has contacted with members of 640 during their Installation. He noted that RWB Johnson, SWG, who also attended 640's Installation, had expressed an interest in learning the projected situation and was informed by WB Gustav Swanson, Legal Representative for MHL that he would be happy to brief the Grand Lodge if they will invite him to an "informal meeting". WB Hodges understood from Bro. Swanson that in excess of US $1,000,000.00 (equivalent) will be passed to 640 upon completion of the sale This money to be used to secure another meeting place in Yokohama for all Masonic Bodies. WB Hodges also said that he hopes during the interim period that 640 and #1 would continue to share temporary facilities but that it may be necessary for #1 to meet temporarily in the Tokyo Masonic building.
RECEPTION OF PETITIONS: The Secretary read a petition for Dual Membership submitted by Robert A. Moore, a member of Yokosuka Lodge #20. The WM directed that the petition run its usual course. The Secretary then read a request from Bro. Millard C. Sketo for a Demit. He announced that Bro. Sketo was paid up until 31 December 1982. There being no reason to deny Bro. Sketo's request, the WM ordered the Demit granted.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read letters of invitation to installation of Officers for Tokyo Masonic Lodge No. 2 and Sagamihara Masonic Lodge No. 13 as well as the Grand Lodge Bulletin dated December 20, 1981.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The following officers of Far East Lodge No. 1 were installed by WB Katagiri, Installing Officer with WB Brown as Marshal:
The WM then reported that Bro. Toshio Ozaki was not suspended for Non-payment of dues as was indicated at the last stated meeting. Bro. Ozaki submitted his dues for 1980 and 1981 before 31 December 1981, therefor it was not necessary to suspend him.
The WM reported the membership status for the Lodge at the end of 1981 as follows: We started the year with 300 members on the rolls; we gained 3 during the year and lost 19 and ended the year rwith 283 members on the rolls. We Raised on Brother, Restored another and gained one against an error. We lost three by Demission, nine by Suspension for NPD and seven died. Our Grand Lodge Fees and Dues came to a net cost of ¥338,400.
NEW BUSINESS: WB Katagiri made special remarks with his thanks to the Brethren for their cooperation and support during his term as WM. Bro. Dodd returned his thanks to WB Katagiri for his good guidance and assistance.
MWB Fujino, SGL, made brief remarks on the work and Lodge situation.
WB Hunt, GLI, made a few comments, particularly on the lodge funds problem and auditing thereof and shared his satisfaction of Lodge functions.
WB Brown stated that the WM and Brethren of Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 extend their offer to assist Far East Lodge No. 1 in any way possible during this anticipated difficult year. The WM responded to WB Brown for his kind words and wished his future success.
The WM than announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of Master Masons, we would proceed to close. Peace and Harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2210 hours with WB Hodges, PM, WM in the East, WB Katagiri, PM, Acting SW in the West, and Bro. Otani, Tiler, Acting JW in the South.
There were 14 Brethren present.
Audit | Bro. LaSalle | Bro. Otani, Bro. Ohashi |
Charity | WB Hodges | Bro. LaSalle, Bro. Otani |
Sick & Visitation | WB Hodges | All other Brethren |
Refreshment/Entertainment | Bro. Otani | WB Nakano, Bro. Reyna |
Friendly Tips | WB Hodges | |
Coaching |
Bro. LaSalle MWB Yamada |
All other Brethren as individually appointed. |
Masonic Education/Lodge History | MWB Nishiyama | MWB Yamada |
Investment | MWB Yamada | MWB Nishiyama, WB Hodges, Bro. LaSalle, Bro. Otani |
House | WB Hodges | Bro. LaSalle, Bro. Otani, Bro. Ohashi |
Coordinating Committee | MWB Yamada | MWB Nishiyama, WB Hodges |
Moving Committee | WB Hodges | All other Brethren as individually appointed. |
Committee chairmen are requested to be prepared to make reports as needed during Stated Meetings. Detailed reports are to be made both orally and in writing. Your cooperation and assistance is sincerely requested.