Minutes 2 February 1983

The 301st Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 31, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 2nd day of February 1983.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1945 hours with WB Hodges PM, WM in the East, Bro. Otani, JW, (Acting) SW in the West, and Bro. Moore, MM, (Acting) JW in the South.

The WM recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of February 1983, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.

Next was the Treasurer's Report given by MWB Yamada. It was moved by MWB Yamada and seconded by Bro. Moore that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. MWB Yamada also presented the Annual Financial Report for 1982 for review and such discussion as may be appropriate at the next stated meeting. MOTION CARRIED

The Secretary then read the bills for the period and WB Hodges moved and Bro. Moore seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED

Next was the report of the several committees:

CHARITY: WB Hodges submitted a negative report.

SICK AND VISITATION: WB Hodges reported that Bro. Norman's wife was evacuated to CONUS for the gall stone operation instead of it being none in Yokosuka as was originally scheduled. Bro. Norman accompanied his wife back to the States but he expects to return in 30 days providing there are no post-operative complications.

MWB Yamada reported that he learned that MWB Nishiyama was to have been operated on on 25 January 1983. However, he has been unable to confirm nor has he been able to determine MWB Nishi's present condition He will continue to check and advise lodge of any information he obtains.

REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: Bro. Moore reported on the details of the Installation banquet e.g. it will be held on 26 Feb 83 (or alternate date of 5 March) at the Negishi Club Steamship Round with all the trimmings including champagne & wine for 40 people will be served at a total cost of $470.00. Persons attending other than lodge guests will be required to pay an amount of $12.50 or ¥2,800 each to partially off set the cost of the meal. Any amount not covered by donations will be paid from the Lodge General Fund. Banquet is scheduled to start at 1930 hours and conclude NLT 2330 hours.

FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges reported that he was working on the next issue and hopes to have it published NLT the first week of March 1983.

COACHING: Negative.

MASONIC EDUCATION/LODGE HISTORY: MWB Yamada submitted a negative report

AUDIT: Negative.

INVESTMENT: MWB Yamada submitted a negative report.

HOUSE: WB Hodges submitted a negative report.



CORRESPONDENCE: The Acting Secretary read the Grand Lodge Monthly Bulletin dated January 20 1983 and other correspondence from Sister Lodges, Sister Jurisdictions and Members of the Lodge.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: WB Hodges announced the appointment of the following Officers to serve for the ensuing Masonic Year: MWB Shigeru NISHIYAMA, PGM, Chaplain; Bro. Tadashi OHASHI, Marshal; WB Hisateru NAKANO, PM, Senior Deacon; Bro. Charles E. NORMAN, Junior Deacon; Bro. Toshio OZAKI, Senior Steward; Bro. Taku NISHIYAMA, Junior Steward; and Bro. Vernon A. DIEL, Tiler.

Bro. Moore reported that Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 voted at their last Stated Meeting to adopt the proposed Amendment to the Grand Lodge Constitution and Laws submitted by this Lodge under date of 05 January 1983.


The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of MMs, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 2120 hours with WB Hodges, PM, in the East, Bro. Otani, JW, (Acting) SW in the West, and Bro. Moore, MM, (Acting) JW in the South.

(There were 5 Brethren present)