Minutes 16 June 1984

The 315th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 31, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 16th day of June 1984.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1430 hours with Bro. Otani, WM in the East, Bro. Norman, SW in the West, and MWB Nishiyama, CH, (Acting) JW in the South.

The WM recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of June 1984, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.

Next was the Treasurer's Report given by MWB Yamada. It was moved by MWB Yamada and seconded by WB Hodges that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED

The Secretary then read the bills for the period and WB Hodges moved and MWB Nishiyama seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED

Next was the report of the several committees:

CHARITY: WB Hodges submitted a negative.

SICK AND VISITATION: WB Hodges was pleased to submit a negative report.

REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: No report due to the absence of Bro. Ohashi.

FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges reported that the 1984 Roster Issue of the FTs had been completed and mailed.

COACHING: WB Hodges reported a negative.

MASONIC EDUCATION/LODGE HISTORY: MWB Yamada submitted a negative.

AUDIT: Bro. Norman submitted a negative.

INVESTMENT: MWB Yamada submitted a negative.

HOUSE: WB Hodges submitted a negative.



CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read Special Dispensation #11-84); the GL Bulletin of May 20, 1984 and a several pieces of correspondence from the Brethren, all in relation to the Golden 100 Club.


NEW BUSINESS: Bro. Norman suggested we write a letter of appreciation to RWB Nishigawa for his $300.00 donation and to consider setting this money aside for some special use. He also suggested that we consider the money to be transferred from the Dollar to the Yen Account be accomplished at the highest exchange rate possible.

The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of MMs, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 1534 hours with Bro. Otani, WM in the East, Bro. Norman, SW in the West, and MWB Nishiyama, CH, (Acting) JW in the South.

(There were 5 Brethren present)