Minutes 12 December 1992

The 401st Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F.&A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 250 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 12th day of December 1992.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 14:17 hours with WB McCauley PM, WM in the East, WB Heath PM, SW in the West, and WB Katagiri, PM, JW in the South.

At the sound of the gavel in the East, the Brethren were called up for a moment of silent prayer in remembrance of Bro. Harry Theodore MEYERS who passed to the Grand Lodge above on 10/27/92. After prayer, the WM ordered the Charter draped for 30 days.

The WM recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of December 1992, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of the last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.

Next was the Treasurer's Report given by WB Hodges. It was moved by WB Hodges and seconded by WB Heath that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary then read the bills for the period and WB Hodges moved and WB Heath seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.

Next was the report of the several committees:

CHARITY: WB McCauley was pleased to receive a negative.

SICK AND VISITATION: WB McCauley was pleased to receive a negative.

REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: WB Hodges reminded the Brethren of the upcoming Installation Banquet on 19 December 1992 and urged all to attend. He then gave a brief report of the Thanksgiving Day Dinner, noting that there were 31 adults and 7 children in attendance and that there was a good mix of FE#1 & #640 members present with their families. WB McCauley thanked WB Hodges for his arrangements and for the very fine dinner.

FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges submitted a negative.

COACHING: Nothing to report.

MASONIC EDUCATION/LODGE HISTORY: WB McCauley submitted a negative.

AUDIT: None required.

INVESTMENT: WB Hodges reported that we will receive a semi-annual interest payment from Merrill Lynch in the amount of ¥390,010 net on 20 December 1992.

HOUSE: WB Hodges pointed out that the new air conditioner/heateris installed and working and that a buzzer has been installed on the outside of the inside vestibule door.

BALLOTTING: The application for Dual Membership submitted by WB Jack Peter SPIWAK, PM, was ballotted and WB Spiwak was elected a member of this lodge.


CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read the GL Bulletin of 20 November 1992 and other appropriate correspondence.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The GM's letter concerning the formation of a lodge in Korea under this Grand Jurisdiction was opened for vote. It was moved by WB Heath and seconded by WB Katagiri that the proposal is opposed by the lodge. MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary was instructed to inform the GM of the vote of the Brethren.

The WM then read Article II, Sections 1 & 2 of the lodge By-laws and Articles 100, 100a and 100b of the Constitution.

NEW BUSINESS: The Secretary read the names of those Brethren who will be suspended for NPD on 31 December 1992 if their dues have not been received by that time. They are Bros. CLARKE, Harry Wallace; JEWELL, Raymond Edward; McGOWAN, James Francis PM; and REYNA, Edward Medrano.

The Secretary then advised that the following named Brethren will become Life Members of the lodge on 01 January 1993 in accordance with Resolutions of 02/18 and 03/10/84: Bros. Daniel Cutler and John June Muraoka. He further announced that the following named Brethren who were made Life Members IAW foregoing resolutions died during the year and the Life Membership Fee which was paid by the lodge General Fund will be returned to the General Fund on 31 December 1992: Bros. Clayton Estrada and Edwin Harry Kibble.

Before proceeding to the next item of new business, the WM called the lodge free from restraint to permit the Brethren to relieve themselves. At the sound of the gavel in the East, WB McCauley announced that the Annual Election of Officers would be conducted and that WB Hunt, PM, would act as Teller. By the vote of the Brethren present, the following named Brethren were elected to the position indicated:

After the lodge was again called free from restraint and then called back to labor, WB McCauley announced the appointment of the following named Brethren to the position indicated:

Upon conclusion, WB McCauley noted that the Secretary must request dispensation to have WB Heath, WB Watanabe and Bro. Welsh installed as they are presently serving as or have been elected to offices in other lodges. WB Heath extended Fraternal Greetings from Yokosuka Lodge #20 and informed the Brethren that their installation will be held on 23 January 1993. WB Watanabe brought apologies from Bro. Yabe.

The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of MMs, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 16:17 hours with WB McCauley PM, WM in the East, WB Heath PM, SW in the West, and WB Katagiri, PM, JW in the South.

There were 9 Brethren present.

Worshipful Master
