The 438th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F.&A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 250 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan, on the 13th day of July 1996.
A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1418 hours with WB Warnell, WM, in the East, Bro. Masaki, SW, in the West, and WB Watanabe, PM, JW in the South.
The WM recognized the Distinguished Brethren and first time visitors, as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of July 1996, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Acting Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.
WB Hodges, PM, then gave the Treasurer's Report and moved that the report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. WB Katagiri, PM, seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
WB Hodges, Acting Secretary, then read the bills for the period and moved that the bills be paid. WB Katagiri, PM, seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees:
With the exception of the Sick & Visitation and House Committee, all committee reports were negative. WB Katagiri reported that WB Nakano, PM, had an accident and is in the hospital. Fortunately, his injuries were not major and he is recovering nicely. Flowers were sent in the name of the lodge. WB Hodges reported that the Directors of Masonic Hall has agreed to cover the cost of having the chairs refurbished. This news was met with pleasure by the Brethren.
CORRESPONDENCE: After raising the lodge, WB Warnell read the Grand Master's Proclamations Nos. 1 and 2 and a letter from the GM authorizing the lodges to waive certain fees for Brethren who may request reinstatement during 1996. WB Warnell acknowledges the receipt of a letter from the GL Translation Committee and advised that he had passed the action to WBs Katagiri & Watanabe. The Acting Secretary then read the GL Bulletin of 20 June 1996.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: WB Warnell pointed out that we do not have a suitable representation of the Staircase for use with the Staircase Lecture. He mentioned that a friend of Bro. Montgomery's was an artist and that he has indicated that he could paint the Staircase on canvas and prepare it for use in the lecture. He indicated that it would cost us $800.00. After it was determined that the current price for the same thing from one of the Masonic Supply Houses in the US was currently selling for about $2,500.00, WB Hodges moved and RWB Heath seconded a motion that we hire Bro. Montgomery's friend to do the job. MOTION CARRIED.
NEW BUSINESS: WB Warnell then announced that in addition to the Stated Meeting, this lodge of MMs had convened for the purpose of Raising to the Sublime Degree the following named Fellowcraft Mason who had made the necessary proficiency in the proceeding degrees:
The above named candidate was obligated as a Master Mason with WB Warnell, WM, in the East, Bro. Masaki, SW, in the West and WB Watanabe, PM, JW, in the South.
It being high-twelve, the craft were called from labor to refreshment for the purpose of raising to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, the above named Brother.
Bro. Volinic was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by WB Warnell with WB Katagiri in the West. After sounding the gavel in the East:
WB Hodges gave the Lecture. MWB Robinson, PGM, delivered the Charge. WB Warnell presented the Lambskin Apron, the Bible and the Masonic Pin.
The WM then informed Bro. Volinic that as the youngest MM in the lodge, he had preference to address the lodge over all others. Bro. Volinic responded with appropriate remarks.
Bro. "Jon" Shibusawa, a visiting Brother, then spoke briefly and indicated that he was considering submitting a petition for membership in our lodge. He congratulated the candidate and remarked on the proficiency of the degree work.
RWB Heath, SGW, extended greetings from MWB Patterson, GM, and congratulated Bro. Volinic on his being raised and urged him to stay active in the Craft when he returns to the US.
He then commented on the degree work and indicated that overall it was good work with some of the Brethren showing extreme proficiency in the work while other can use additional instruction and practice. He indicated that as our Grand Lodge Inspector, he is well satisfied with the work and will so indicate in his report.
The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this lodge of MMs, we would proceed to close. Peace and Harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 1718 hours with WB Warnell, WM, in the East, Bro. Masaki, SW, in the West and WB Watanabe, PM, JW, in the South.
There were 14 Brethren present of which 1 was a visitor.
Worshipful Master
Acting Secretary