The 452nd Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F.& A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 250 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan, on the 13th day of December 1997.
A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1412 hours with WB Warnell, PM, in the East, Bro. Masaki, SW, in the West, and WB Watanabe, PM, Acting JW, in the South. WB Warnell thanked Bro. Masaki for taking the East at our Special Meeting of 06 December 1997.
The WM then welcomed everyone and recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tiler's register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of December 1997, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read. WB Warnell then thanked WB Abitbol for conducting the lodge of instruction and apologized for being unable to attend.
WB Katagiri, PM, then gave the Treasurer's Report and moved that the report be approved as read, subject to the usual audit. RWB Heath, DGM, seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
WB Hodges read the bills for the period and moved that the bills be paid. RWB Heath seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees:
With the exception of the following, all committee reports were negative:
CHARITY: WB Warnell pointed out that the orphan's Christmas Party was being held in the upstairs gymnasium even as we speak and that the lodge had provided some of the food for the occasion.
SICK & VISITATION: WB Hodges spoke briefly on the condition of his wife and thanked the Brethren for their prayers and other words of encouragement.
REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: WB Warnell reported on the Annual Thanksgiving Day dinner, noting that it was a success and that the food was again outstanding. He called for a round of applause for WB Hodges for having made the arrangements.
INVESTMENT: WB Warnell spoke briefly on the matter of lodge investment, requesting any Brother with the capability to do so to access the internet or other sources to check on the status of the company we are contemplating investing money with.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read the Grand Lodge Bulletin of November 20, 1997 as well as WB Smith's announcement that the concert scheduled for 12/21/97 has been cancelled; that the Toni Oasis Shrine Clubs of Japan will hold an election of officers on 12/20/97; an announcement concerning the installation of Officers of Tokyo Masonic Lodge #2 and a letter from the Grand Secretary advising all lodges of the restriction on "visiting any Lodge under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines which operates within the jurisdiction of Japan". WB Warnell advised that he was in receipt of a letter from the Senior Grand Lecturer concerning the "GRAND LODGE OF JAPAN'S QUESTIONNAIRE/STUDY GUIDE FOR MASTERS/WARDENS & SECRETARIES-ELECT, EXAMINATION".
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: WB Warnell instructed WB Hodges to read Article II, Sections 1 and 2 of the Lodge By-Laws and Articles 100, 100a and 100b of the Constitution.
NEW BUSINESS: The Secretary read the names of those members who will be suspended for NPD providing their 1995 and/or 1996 dues have not been received by COB 31 December 1997. Their names are: Brothers Edward Medrano REYNA and Robert STEINHEIMER.
The WM then called the lodge briefly free from restraint to prepare for the annual election of officers. At the sound of the gavel in the East, WB Warnell appointed RWB Heath and WB Abitbol tellers and then announced that the annual election of officers of this lodge for Masonic Year 1998 would be conducted. The Brethren present elected the following named Brethren to the positions indicated:
WB Warnell then called the lodge briefly free from restraint to permit the WM-Elect to determine his appointed officers. At the sound of the gavel in the East, WB Warnell announced that Bro. Masaki, WM-Elect, has appointed the following Brethren to the position indicated for Masonic Year 1998:
After appropriate remarks by Bro. Masaki, MWB Robinson, WB Warnell and others, WB Warnell announced that the installation of officers would be conducted on 10 January 1998 and that it would be an open installation and that the banquet would be at the United Seamen's Service International Center as in past years.
WB Warnell then announced that there being no further business to come before this lodge of MMs, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 1550 hours with WB Warnell, PM, WM, in the East, Bro. Masaki, SW, in the West, and WB Watanabe, PM, Acting JW, in the South.
There were 11 Brethren present, 1 of whom was a visitor.
Worshipful Master