The 455th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F.&A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 250 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan, on the 7th day of March 1998.
A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1412 hours with WB Masaki, WM, in the East, WB Warnell, PM, Acting SW, in the West, and Bro. Herrera, JW, in the South.
At the sound of the gavel in the East, the lodge was raised for a moment of silent prayer in remembrance of Bro. George Stuart FLEISCHMANN passed to the Celestial Lodge on 02 February 1998. After prayer, the WM ordered the charter draped for 30 days to honor our departed Brother.
The WM welcomed everyone and recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tiler's register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of March 1998, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.
The Treasurer's Report was then given by WB Katagiri, PM, who moved and MWB Robinson, PGM, seconded that the report be accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.
WB Hodges read the bills for the period and moved that the bills be paid. MWB Robinson, seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees:
With the exception of the following, all committee reports were negative:
SICK & VISITATION: WB Hodges provided an update on the status of his wife and thanked the Brethren for their continued concern and the "Get Well" cards received thus far.
REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: WB Warnell reported on the Installation Banquet and called for a round of applause for WB Hodges for making the arrangements.
FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges reported that the Annual Master's Report, together with the Financial Statement for 1997 had been mailed to all members. He suggested that we might want to change the name to "Annual Report" or other appropriate name The "Friendly Tips" have not been published in many years and most likely will never be published again.
COACHING: WB Warnell noted that Bro. Ogui is again with us and suggested that he be taken in hand by our senior Japanese Brethren and encouraged to continue his studies. WB Katagiri reported that Bro. Ogui informed him that he suffers from extremely high blood pressure and that care must be exercised to not "pressure" Bro. Ogui.
MASONIC EDUCATION/LODGE HISTORY: WB Hodges spoke briefly on the need for a lodge of "General Administrative Education" and volunteered to put such a program together for use in the future.
INVESTMENT: WB Warnell moved and WB Hodges seconded a motion to invest ¥7,500.,000 from the Life Membership Fund in the Eagle Star International Life Fund for a minimum of 5 years. By secret ballot, the motion carried.
RECEPTION OF PETITIONS: None, however, WB Hodges reported that he has heard nothing further from Mr. Tanaka. He noted that he has received a petition sent to him by Bro. Leyeza from the USS Blue Ridge but advised that since none of the fee accompanied the petition, it cannot be read until after the Blue Ridge returns to Yokosuka and the petitioner can pay the fee.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read the G/L Bulletin of 20 February 1998 and noted that several pieces of correspondence pertaining to the G/L Annual Communication has been received and copies provided to the Brethren attending, with additional copies available if anyone else desires same.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: After assuming the East, RWB Watanabe, JGW, with the assistance of WB Hodges, installed WB Katagiri as Treasurer and MWB Robinson as Marshal of the lodge. At the conclusion, WB Hodges make Proclamation. After reassuming the East, WB Masaki lowered the lodge to the Second Degree for the purpose of conferring this degree on the following named Entered Apprentice Masons who had made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree:
Bros. McGuire and Posey were obligated as Fellowcraft Masons with WB Katagiri, PM, Acting WM, in the East, WB Warnell, PM, Acting SW, in the West, and Bro. Herrera, JW, in the South.
The Working Tools were presented by Bro. Herrera. The Staircase Lecture was given by RWB Watanabe. The Letter "G" Lecture was given by WB Warnell. The Charge was delivered by MWB Robinson.
The lodge was then called briefly free from restraint for the purpose of congratulating our newly Passed Brethren. At the sound of the gavel in the East, labor in the Third Degree was resumed.
NEW BUSINESS: WB Hodges confirmed that WB Masaki and Bro. Herrera will attend the Grand Lodge communication. WB Hodges then spoke briefly on possibly re-implementing the use of slides in the degree lectures but noted that it would be necessary to purchase a slide projector, screen and some of the slides. He then moved and WB Katagiri seconded a motion that the lodge purchase a Charter Drape and two spare station light bulbs. MOTION CARRIED.
Bro. Ferguson spoke briefly on the work and conveyed fraternal greetings from the WM and Brethren of his Mother Lodge to WB Masaki.
The WM then announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of MMs, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 1725 hours with WB Masaki, WM, in the East, WB Warnell, PM, Acting SW, in the West, and Bro. Herrera, JW, in the South.
There were 12 Brethren present of whom 2 were candidates, 1 EA (who remained without the lodge) 1 visitor, and 8 members.
Worshipful Master