Minutes 14 November 1998

The 461st Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No.1, F.& A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No.250 Yamate-cho Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan on the 14th of November 1998.

A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1400 hours with WB T. Masaki, WM, in the East, RWB K. Watanabe, Acting SW, in the West, and MWB A. L. Robinson, Acting JW, in the South.

The WM recognized the Distingushed Brethren as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of November 1998, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting. The Acting Secretary WB Katagiri read the minutes and they were approved as read.

The Treasurer's report and the Secretary's bills were postponed to the next Stated Meeting.

With the exception of the following, all committee reports were negative:

SICK & VISITATION: Bro. Taylor reported that a letter received from WB Thomas Hodges regarding the medical status of his wife.

INVESTMENT: WB Katagiri reported that no policy document nor receipt for the 7.5 million Lodge investment made in May 1998, was received from the "Eagle Star" company to date. Upon calling, it was found that all telephone lines of the said investment company was inoperative with a tape information that the lines were disconnected. It was proposed by Bro. Jack Taylor that further investgation should be continued on the status of the "Eagle Star" company through the Masonic organizations, as some of the employees of the company claimed to be Masons. The investigation shall be pending for the return of WB Hodges who had direct contacts with them.

It was also proposed by WB Katagiri that steps shall be taken to revise the By-Laws by providing a veto to each member of the Investment Committee, for the purpose of preventing possible wrong judgements which may be made by the majority voting of the Lodge for investment in the future.

A draft of the proposed revision was delivered to each Brother attending for review, a copy of which shall be mailed to all in-country Brethren. The final conclusion shall be made at the next Stated Meeting, whether the procedures required shall be taken to request the Grand Lodge approval for the revision or not.

BALLOTING: A ballot was made for dual membership of WB Charles A. Bond and the result found to be in favor, followed by taking an oath for the affiliation and signing the By-Laws.

WB Masaki reported that the committee of investigation on the petitions of Mr. Mendoza and Mr. Shigetsugu have returned with full and favorable reports. The Ballots were then conducted and both Messrs. Mendoza and Shigetsugu were duly elected to receive the degrees in this Lodge.

CORRESPONDENCE: The monthly Bulletin for the month of October 1998 was read by the Acting Secretary.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Article II, Sections 1 and 2 of By-Laws and Articles 100, 100a and 100b of the Constitutions were read.

NEW BUSINESS: By order of the Worshipful Master, WB Katagiri briefly explained the background of the request from the TMA through the Grand Lodge to Blue Lodges to recommend new Counsellors to be nominated for 1999. After discussions, WB Masaki decided that the Lodge would recommend WB Katagiri for the nomination.

It was announced that the Installation of the 1999 Lodge officers has been scheduled for January 9th, 1999 (Saturday). MWB Ditto kindly accepted the Installing Officer and WB Katagiri was assigned an MC. RWB Watanabe was asked to arrange the Banquet.

Bro.Jeol Howard Skinner requested Demit. The request was approved by the Worshipful Master.

At the sound of the gavel in the East, the Lodge was lowered to the First Degree for the purpose of conferring the degree on Mr. Mendoza and Mr. Shigetsugu. The Lodge was called free from restrain for changing the officers' positions. The following Brethren assumed principal positions and assignments during the conferral.

The candidates aforementioned were duly initiated and after

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the West and Bro. Taylor in the South. The Lodge closed in short form at 1700 hours with peace and harmony prevailing. A total of 12 Brethren attended.

Worshipful Master

Acting Secretary