Minutes 13 November 1999

Thc 471st Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 F,&A.M. was held at thc Masonic Temple, No. 250 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan, on the 13th day of November 1999.

A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1412 hours with MWB Heath, PGM, Acting WM, in the East, Bro. Hererra, SW in the West, and Bro. Taylor, JW in the South.

At the sound of an alarm at the door, MWB Fredric R. Collins, Grand Master of Masons in Japan, accompanied by RWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, DGM, and MWB Chester L. Ditto, PGM, Grand Secretary were received with Grand Honors and seated in the East.

The WM then recognized the Distinguished Brethren and first time visitors as listed in the Tiler's register of this date and welcomed everyone. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of November 1999, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.

Due to the absence from Japan of WB Katagiri, PM, the Treasurer's report was deferred.

WB Hodges then read and moved that the bills be paid. WB Welsh seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.

Next was the report of the several committees:

With the exception of the following, all committee reports were negative:

REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: WB Hodges reported that the Seamen's Club will not start its renovation until early next year. Therefore, the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on 26 November 1999. Details have already been provided the members. He requested the Brethren to make their reservations as soon as possible to ensure the dinner goes well.



CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read the GL Bulletin of 20 November 1999 and several other items of correspondence pertaining to the Annual Installation of Officers of Lodge Star in the East, No. 640; two letters pertaining to the nomination of Counselors and Trustees to the TMA. At this time WB Hodges moved and WB Welsh, PM, seconded a motion that RWB Watanabe, DGM, and WB Katagiri, PM be nominated by this lodge for the position of Counselor and Trustee respectively. MOTION CARRIED; and portions of three letters from the Grand Secretary pertaining to the submission of Resolutions and recommendations for the Grand Lodge Diploma of Merit and announcing the sale and ordering deadline the year 2000 Masonic Calendars.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: MWB Heath then read Article II, Sections 1 and 2 of the lodge By-Laws and Articles 100 through 100d of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge.

NEW BUSINESS: At the sound of the gavel in the East, MWB Heath lowered the lodge to the First Degree for the purpose of conferring this degree on Mr. Roderick Filio Santos, who was elected to receive the degrees or Masonry in this lodge at our September 1999 meeting. After sounding an alarm, Mr. Santos was obligated an Entered Apprentice by MWB Heath, PGM, with Bro. Herrera, SW in the West and Bro. Taylor, JW, in the South. Bro. McGuire conducted the candidate; RWB Watanabe, DGM, presented the Lambskin Apron and MWB Heath the Working Tools. WB Hodges gave the lecture to Bros. Santos and Marigundon, who was initiated at our October meeting. MWB Chester L. Ditto, PGM, Grand Secretary, delivered the Charge. After Bros. Marigundon and Santos were conducted from the lodge, the lodge was raised to the Third Degree by MWB Heath.

Bro. Alan J. Turney, RWM, gave fraternal greetings on behalf of the Office Bearers and Brethren of Lodge Star in the East, including Bro. Buda, who was also visiting from that lodge.

MWB Heath then passed the gavel to MWB Collins and ask him to speak. MWB Collins spoke to several points that are basic and fundamental to Masonry. He emphasized the need for all Masons in Japan to make themselves and the Fraternity more widely and better known to the Japanese people. He pointed out several ways that can be accomplished and called on all the Brethren to become more active in the community and to let the light of Masonry shine brightly throughout this beautiful country. MWB Collins remarks were well received by the Brethren.

Peace and harmony prevailing, MWB Collins then closed the lodge in short and adequate form at 1658 hours with Bro. Herrera, SW, in the West, and Bro. Taylor, JW, in the South.

There were 17 Brethren present including the candidate, one additional EA, and five visitors.

Worshipful Master
