The 492nd Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F.&A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, No. 250 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan, on the 11th day of November 2001.
A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1410 hours with MWB Heath, PGM, WM, in the East, WB Sugai, PM, (Acting) SW, in the West, and RWB Katagiri, JGW, JW in the South.
At the sound of the gavel in the East, the Charter was draped and the lodge raised for prayer in remembrance of Bros. Lawerence G. Kaye and Edgar L. Tidwell, who passed to the Celestial Lodge on 05/08/01 and 10/10/01 respectively. After prayer, low twelve was sounded and the WM ordered the charter to remain draped for 30 days to honor our departed Brethren.
MWB Heath then recognized the other Distinguished Brethren and first time visitor as listed in the Tyler’s register of this date. He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of November 2001, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last stated meeting and all subsequent special meetings. The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as corrected.
The Treasurer’s report was given by MWB Watanabe, PGM, after which he moved and RWB Katagiri seconded a motion that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.
The Secretary read the bills for the period and moved that they be paid. MWB Watanabe seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees:
With the exception of the following, all committee reports were negative:
REFRESHMENT & ENTERTAINMENT: WB Hodges reported that reservations have been made at the Seamen’s Club for the evening of 12 January 2002. The price will be ¥3,000 per person, which includes tax. It will be an all you can eat buffet and soft drinks are included. Complete details, including reservation information will be published in mid to late December. MWB Heath announced that wine would also be provided with the meal and that the cost would not be charged to the lodge.
RECEPTION OF PETITION: The Secretary read a petition for the degrees of Masonry in this lodge that was submitted by Mr Keiji YOKOZAWA. MWB Heath ordered the petition to take the usual course.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read the following items of correspondence: 1) The G/L Bulletin of 20 October 2001; 2) An email of MWB Watanabe informing the lodge that our Home Page was approved the Grand Lodge Executive Committee; 3) A letter from Grand Secretary, with 2 attachments, advising that donations are being solicited by the GL of NY for the victims of the 11 September 2001 Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center Towers; 4) A letter from the Yokohama International Women’s Club requesting assistance with their annual Orphan’s Christmas Party; 5) A portion of an email from the Grand Secretary pertaining to 40, 45 and 50 year pins; 6) A letter from Lodge Star in the East No. 640 providing details of their upcoming Installation of Officer, and; 7) A letter from the daughter of our deceased Bro Lawerence G. Kaye, together with a Bio on Bro Kaye’s work as a Red Cross volunteer.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: MWB Heath read Articles 100 through 100d of the Constitution and Article II, Sections 1 and 2 of the lodge By-Laws, all of which govern or pertain to the annual election of officers of a lodge.
NEW BUSINESS: WB Hodges moved and MWB Watanabe seconded a motion, which was subsequently amended by WB Hodges and seconded by MWB Watanabe, that the lodge donate towards the cost of food for the annual Christmas Party for the orphans sponsored by the Yokohama International Women’s Club, a sum not to exceed US$150.00 and the sum of ¥20,000 by check to help defray the cost of other expenses. MOTION CARRIED.
WB Sugai announced that the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of China recently informed him that he and a delegation of officers from the Grand Lodge of China would like to pay an official visit to Far East Lodge No. 1, either just before or just after the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Japan, which will occur in March 2002. WB Sugai said that the Grand Master of China has requested we provide him with details of the arrangements we make as soon as they have been finalized so that he and his delegation can finalize their plans for their visit to Japan in March.
After calling the lodge briefly free from restraint, MWB Heath again thanked our visitor, Bro Ronald P. Ng of Lodge St Andrew 1152, E.C. in Singapore, for visiting with us and invited him to visit anytime he is in Japan. Bro Ng responded with appropriate remarks and thanked the Brethren for the warm welcome extended.
There being no further business to come before this lodge of MMs, MWB Heath, PGM, WM, closed the lodge in due and ancient form at 15:40 hours with WB Sugai, PM, (Acting) SW, in the West and RWB Katagiri, JGW, JW, in the South. There were 9 members and 1 guest present.
Worshipful Master