The 504th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. &A.M. was held at the new Masonic Temple located at 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 11th day of January 2003.
A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1410 hours with WB Herrera, PM, SW, Acting WM, in the East, RWB Katagiri, SGW, Acting SW in the West, and WB Sugai, PM, JW, in the South.
WB Herrera welcomed everyone and wished them a very Happy New Year on behalf of himself and MWB Heath, WM, who was unable to attend today. He then recognized the Distinguished Brethren and first time visitors present as listed in the Tyler’s register of this date. He announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of January 2003, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.
The Treasurer gave his report for the month of December after which he moved and it was seconded that the report be accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.
The Secretary then read the bills for the period and moved they be paid. After being seconded, the MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees: All committee reports were negative with the exception of the following:
REFRESHMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: WB Hodges reminded the Brethren of the upcoming Installation of Officers and the need for reservations and/or cancellations for the banquet should be made not later than 30 January.
FRIENDLY TIPS: WB Hodges reported that MWB Heath is in the final states of preparing his report for 2002. Upon receipt, it will be distributed to all the members.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read portions of a letter from WB Cliff Ashenden, a PM of this lodge; the GL Bulletin of 20 December and an email from Grand Secretary advising that his Hotmail address will be terminated and providing a new email address for the Grand Secretary.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: After requesting WB Jack P. Spiwak, PM, to place himself west of the alter, WB Herrera presented him with a letter, pin and check to commemorate his 25th year as a member of the Masonic Fraternity. He then called the lodge briefly free from restraint in order for the Brethren to congratulate WB Jack.
NEW BUSINESS: WB Hodges noted that he had passed out copies of the proposed changes to the constitution of the GL of Japan. He suggested the Brethren study them carefully as we will vote on them at our March stated meeting.
MWB Watanabe advised that he had received an email from WB Ian Campbell, who has visited this lodge before, providing the name and address of a potential Japanese candidate for the degrees. MWB Watanabe expect to receive further word in the near future.
The Master Elect extended fraternal greetings from the OBs and members of Square and Compass Lodge #3 and announced that his lodge would hold its Installation of Officers commencing at 1500 hours, Sunday, January 19 2003 and thanked the Brethren for the opportunity to visit.
After ascertaining that there was no further business from the West, South, or floor of the lodge, WB Herrera announced that we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 1457 hours with WB Herrera, PM, SW, Acting WM, in the East, RWB Saburo Katagiri, SGW, Acting SW, in the West and WB Sugai, PM, JW, in the South. There were 11 Brethren present of whom one was a visitor.
Worshipful Master