The 510th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. &A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple located at 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 6th day of September 2003.
A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 1410 hours with MWB Heath, PGM, WM in the East, WB Herrera, PM, SW in the West, and WB Masaki, PM, Marshal, Acting JW, in the South.
The WM recognized the Distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tyler’s register of this date. He announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of September 2003, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.
The Treasurer then gave his report after which he moved and it was seconded that the report be accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.
The Secretary then read the bills for the period after which he moved and it was seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees: All committee reports were negative with the exception of the following:
CHARITY: Alms in the amount of ¥4,500 and US$5.00 was collected.
SICK AND VISITATION: MWB Heath reported that MWB Ditto continues to make progress even though he is still in the hospital and uses a wheel chair to move around.
AUDIT: RWB Katagiri read his audit report which indicated that the lodge financial records are being properly maintained but expressed concern with the status of the Eagle Star investment. MWB Heath announced that as soon as we can get an up to date statement from Eagle Star, he will call a meeting of the Finance Committee to determine the action to be taken with regard to this investment.
HOUSE: Bro Buda updated the Brethren on the proposed construction project noting that the owner of the property, ANA, has sold the property to a real estate developer. This has resulted in a further splintering of the neighborhood association. Bro Buda will continue to monitor the situation but will not become active in the matter as Masonic Hall, Ltd, prefers to maintain a neutral stance in the matter.
WB Hodges then advised the Brethren that an estimate to fabricate and mount two display boxes and two frames to hold the banners and Charter of the two lodges has been requested, the idea being to mount the display boxes and frames on the walls of the lodge to provide a permanent home for these items and to protect and preserve them for future generations. He indicated that payment for these items will be taken up after the estimate has been received.
BALLOTTING: A secret, written ballot was taken on the Petition for Restorations submitted by Brother Byron Dean Brown, PM, a Dual Member of this lodge. Bro Brown’s petition was approved by the Brethren and MWB Heath declared Bro Brown reinstated.
RECEPTION OF PETITIONS: The Application for Dual Membership/Affiliation submitted by Bro Tohru Akimoto and the Petition for the Degrees of Freemasonry submitted by Mr. Charles James Jackson, Jr. were read after which MWB Heath directed that the petitions take their usual course.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read the G/L Bulletins of 20 June, July and August 2003.
NEW BUSINESS: MWB Heath announced that October starts the annual countdown to the election of officers of the lodge in December. He requested that RWB Katagiri, DGM, be the Installing Officer and MWB Watanabe, PGM, be the Installing Marshal. He announced that the installation will be on 10 January 2004 and that it will be an open installation. He also announced that the next meeting will be on 4 October and that providing a favorable report is received, we will initiate Mr. Jackson at our November meeting.
Two visiting Brethren expressed appreciation for being allowed to attend the meeting today. They were given a warm hand of applause by the Brethren and thanked by MWB Heath for their visit. He requested that they extend his warmest fraternal greeting to the WM and Brethren on their return to their mother lodge.
After confirming that there was no further business to come before this lodge, MWB Heath proceeded to close the lodge in due and ancient form at 1548 hours with WB Herrera, PM, SW, in the West and WB Masaki, PM, Marshal, Acting JW, in the South. There were 9 members and 2 visitors present.
Worshipful Master