Minutes 7 January 2006

The 530th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple located at 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 7th day of January 2006.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 13:20 hours with WB Herrera, PM, WM in the East; WB Masaki, PM, SW in the West; and WB Buda, PM acting JW, in the South.

The WM then recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tyler’s register of this date.

And then he announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of January 2006, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings.

The Secretary read the minutes and they were approved as read.

The Treasurer gave the report for the month of December and after which he moved and it was seconded that the report accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary then read the bills for the period after which he moved and it was seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.

Next was the report of the several committees: All committee reports were negative with the exception of the following:


BALLOTTING: WB Herrera, WM of the Lodge reported that the Committee of Investigation had submitted a favorable report on the petition of Mr. Dimitrios Tsuruyiannis. He was then elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge by ballot of the members present. WB Herrera announced that Mr. Tsuruyiannis would be initiated on 4th February 2006.

CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary announced the G/L Bulletins of 20 November had been tacked on the Bulletin Board in the Conference Room.


NEW BUSINESS: The Secretary circulated a paper on the proposed amendment of the By-Laws of this Lodge to the Brethren present and explained the details. He asked everyone to study and prepare for a ballot on this matter at the next Stated Meeting.

MWB Katagiri said that if we could have a 3-5-7 steps mat for use in the Second Degree conferral it would be a great help to both candidate and lecturer. Since there was nothing similar in Macoy’s catalog we should try to make it locally. He proposed that the Lodge purchase said mat with a ¥60,000 ceiling. The proposal was seconded. MOTION CARRIED.

WB Masaki was appointed to be in charge of the above project.

INSTALLATION: At around 15:30 hours, the Lodge was called free from restraint for conducting the Installation ceremony for Officers 2006 in public form with MWB Jim Johnston, PGM as Installing Officer and MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, PGM as Installing Marshal. Non-Masonic guests were invited into the Lodge room.

The following officers were duly installed.

WM:WB Rodolfo C. Herrera, PM
SW:WB Takumi Masaki, PM
JW:WB Janusz Buda, PM
TR:MWB Saburo Katagiri, PGM
SC:MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, PGM
Chp:Bro Walter M. Johnson
SD:Bro Tohru Akimoto
JD:Bro Kenichi Miyata
SS:Bro Norihiro Inomata

Then the WM asked the Installing Officer, MWB Johnston, to close the Lodge in short form. The Lodge was closed at 16:50 hours.

After the Lodge closed, we moved to the restaurant TIFFIN located in the Yamashita Park area and enjoyed wine and Indian cuisine until about 20:00 hours.

There were 11 members and 10 visitors including 5 non-Masonic guests. Among the visitors, WB Robert H. Koole, PM and Inspector for this Lodge, WB William J. Burgos, PM of S&C#3, Bros Kawasaki and Shinhara of #22, Mr. Takashi Tsujii, potential candidate and 4 Ladies.

Worshipful Master
