Minutes 3 June 2006

The 535th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple located at 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 3rd day of June 2006.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 13:10 hours with MWB Watanabe, PGM, Acting WM in the East, MWB Katagiri, PGM, Acting SW in the West, and WB Buda, PM, JW, in the South. This reassignment was caused by WB Herrera, reigning master of this Lodge, being out of country on business and WB Masaki being delayed about one hour due to his business.

The Acting WM then recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tyler’s register of this date.

He then announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of June 2006, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 13th May and they were approved as read.

The Treasurer gave the report for the month of May after which he moved and it was seconded that the report be accepted as read subject to the usual audit.  MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary then read the bills for the period after which he moved and it was seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.

Next was the report of the several committees: All committee reports were negative with the exception of the following:

RECEPTION OF PETITIONS: The Secretary read a Petition for the Degrees of Freemasonry from Mr. Koji Konno, an employee of a software manufacturing company.

BALLOTTING: The Acting WM of the Lodge reported that the Committee of Investigation had submitted a favorable report on the petition of Mr. Hiroki Mikuni. He was then elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry in this Lodge by ballot of the members present.

CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary announced that both the G/L Bulletin of 20 April and the Minutes of the GLEC meeting had been posted on the bulletin board in the conference room. He also introduced a letter from WB Ashenden who is residing in France and enjoying retirement. The other one was a half-yearly statement from Zurich International in which they reported that the cash-in value of our investment on 30 April 2006 was about 8.1M yen. The Acting Master noted that we do not need this money at any time soon but asked WB Buda to investigate ways of cashing in the investment.

CHARITY: An amount of ¥3,560 was collected from the Brethren present.



Second Degree Proficiency Test: At 14:00 hours, the Lodge was lowered to the Second Degree for the purpose of a proficiency test upon Bro Martin Sneathern and Bro Dimitrios Tsourougiannis in English. The Junior Deacon invited them into the Lodge, and they were placed West of the Altar and examined one at a time by MWB Katagiri. The Acting Master of this Lodge declared them proficient in the Second Degree.

RAISING: At 14:20 hours, the Lodge was resumed to the Third Degree for the purpose of conferring the MM degree upon Bro Dimitrios Tsuruyiannis and Martin Sneathern. By three distinct knocks on the door the two Brethren were admitted into the Lodge and Obligated MMs by WB Buda. Bro Inomata gave the Working Tool Lecture.

At about 15:10, the Lodge was called briefly free from restraint for the purpose of preparing the Tragedy for our newly obligated Brethren.

At 15:20 Bro Sneathern was invited into the Lodge and was conferred the MM degree in the short form of the Tragedy with MWB Watanabe as King Solomon and WB Masaki as Hiram of Tire. At 15:45, Bro Tsuruyiannis was invited into the Lodge and was also conferred the MM degree with the regular long-form ceremony. The Lodge was called free from restraint for the purpose of congratulating our newly raised Brethren.

The Degree Lecture started at 16:30 and was given by MWB Katagiri. The Charge was delivered by WB Buda.

After presentation of White Leather Apron, Masonic Bible, Monitor and By-Laws of this Lodge to the newly-raised Brethren, the Acting Master of the Lodge announced that he would proceed to close in short form at 17:45. Peace and harmony prevailing, this Lodge was closed at 17:55 hours with MWB Watanabe, PGM, Acting WM in the East, WB Masaki, PM, SW in the West, and WB Bro Buda, PM, JW in the South.

The Secretary reported that regrets had been received from WB Herrera and Bro Akimoto.

There were 10  Brethren present, with WB Ishikawa and Bro Nomitsu from S&C#3 and WB Tony Kanemitsu of Aomori #10 joining as visitors. We also welcomed 2 petitioners and 2 candidates during the harmony hours.

Worshipful Master
