Minutes 1 March 2008

The 554th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple located at 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 1st day of March 2008.

A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 13:15 hours with WB Buda, PM, WM in the East, WB Masaki, PM, SW in the West, and MWB Katagiri PGM, acting JW in the South.

WB Buda called the Brethren up for a moment of silence in remembrance of Bro Daniel D. Kincaid of this Lodge who was summoned to the Celestial Lodge above on 17 February 2008. The WM ordered the Charter draped for 30 days to honor our departed Brother.

Then WB Buda recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tyler’s register of this date.

He announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of March 2008, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes of our Monthly Meeting held on 2nd February and they were APPROVED AS READ.

The Treasurer's Report for the month of January was given by MWB Katagiri after which he moved and it was seconded that the report be accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.

The Secretary then read the bills for the period after which he moved and it was seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.

Next was the report of the several committees: All committee reports were negative with the exception of the following:



CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary announced the G/L Bulletins of 27 February and Minutes of GLECM of 26 January had been tacked on Bulletin Board in the conference room. He then introduced a mail from Grand Lodge on about the per diem payment for those who had attended the Annual Communication.

CHARITY: Amount of ¥5,700 was collected from the Brethren present.

LOWERING THE LODGE: The WM lowered the Lodge to the First Degree and invited all EAs and FCs into the Lodge Room at 13:50 hours.

INITIATION: At 14:05 hours, EA degree conferral was begun upon Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Kajiwara. They were obligated EAs by Bro Sagara, the Working Tool Lecture was presented by Bro Taniuchi, Apron Lecture by Bro Sneathern and the Charge was delivered by MWB Watanabe, all of them in Japanese.

As for the Degree Lecture, it was postponed to the April meeting due to the absence of Bro Inomata. The WM gave the usual instructions to the newly obligated Brethren.

PROFICIENCY TEST:? At 15:25 hours, Bro. Ogawa was tested on his proficiency in the EA degree by MWB Watanabe. He chose to give his proficiency in English and at the end of the examination WB Buda congratulated him for his fine performance and declared him fully proficient.

INSTALL ABSENT BROTHER TO THE SD POSITION: The WM then called the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of holding an open installation of appointed officers who had been unable to attend our installation ceremony in January. With MWB Katagiri as Installing Officer and MWB Watanabe as Installing Marshal, Bro Sagara was duly installed as a Senior Deacon of the lodge for 2008.

THE LODGE RESUMED TO 3RD DEGREE at 15:40 hours, and discussed the following matters after all EAs and FCs had retired.

Table Lodge scheduled to held by Lodge No. 640 had not jelled yet and will be announce shortly, WM reported.

ANNUAL COMMUNICATION: MWB Watanabe reported that the coming Annual Communication would start with the opening of GL at 09:00 hours on 14 March and the highlight of that day would be the election of GL officers held in the late afternoon. He also reminded the Pillars of this lodge who would attend the Communication to take their aprons and regalia with them and bring them back to the lodge.

COMING SCHEDULE: MWB Watanabe also spoke that at the April meeting, we will hold a short talk on Masonry and a First Degree Lecture by Bro Inomata after routine lodge business. In May and June, we will hold either FC or MM conferral since we have two EAs and two FCs who passed their proficiency and were ready to be promoted to a higher degree at any time. In addition, we will hold a lodge of instruction (conferral rehearsal) on 29 March, last Saturday of this month.

CLOSING: At 15:50 hours, the WM announced that we would to proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed at 16:00 hours in short form with WB Buda, PM, WM in the East, WB Masaki, PM, SW in the West, and MWB Katagiri, PGM acting JW in the South.

The Secretary reported that regrets had been received from Bros Tsujii, Inomata, Wachi, Takeda and Komura (EA).

A total 13 members of this Lodge including 4 EAs had joined the meeting today.

Worshipful Master
