The 560th Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple located at 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 4th day of October 2008.
A lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 13:20 hours with WB Buda, PM, WM in the East, Bro Inomata, acting SW in the West, and Bro Sagara, acting JW in the South.
Then WB Buda recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tyler’s register of this date.
He announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of October 2008, the first order of business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meetings. The Secretary read the minutes of our Monthly Meeting held on 6th September and they were APPROVED AS READ.
The Treasurer's Report for the month of September was given by the Treasurer after which he moved and it was seconded that the report be accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.
The Secretary then read the bills for the period after which he moved and it was seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees: All committee reports were negative with the exception of the following:
CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary announced the G/L Bulletins of 23 August and Minutes of GLECM of 23 August had been posted on the Bulletin Board in the conference room. We also received Edict #23 from the GM which concerning visitation of a Lodge of another jurisdiction and a request from the TMA nomination of Trustees, Supervisors and Counselor.
CHARITY: Amount of ¥6,060 was collected from the Brethren present.
Reading By-Laws: Article II, Section 2 of the FE1 By-Laws were read by the Secretary.
Lowering to 1st degree: At 13:45 hours, Bro. Sato, EA, waas tested in his proficiency by MWB Watanabe. WB Buda congratulated him for his fine performance and declared him fully proficient.
Resuming to 3rd degree: The MM proficiency test upon Bro Sneathern was conducted by MWB Watanabe and the Worshipful Master declared him fully proficient.
Conferral of 3rd degree: at 14:25 hours, the conferral Bros Tamado and Ogawa was started. Bro Honda conducted the candidates as SD, Bro Sagara gave the 3rd Degree Obligation and Bro Tsujii presented the Working Tools Lecture, all in Japanese. In the tragedy section, MWB Watanabe acted as King Solomon and Bro Inomata Hiram of Tyre. MWB Katagiri acted as SD and conducted the Candidates. The Lecture of the Degree was given perfectly by Bro Honda in Japanese. The Charge was delivered by MWB Watanabe, after which the Lodge’s newest MMs signed in the Lodge’s By-Laws and were presented with their membership cards, copies of Monitor and By-Laws. They were then invited to stand West of the Altar and address the Lodge as the youngest MMs. They expressed their thanks and gratitude at being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.
COMING SCHEDULE: Bro Secretary announced the following;
VISITORS: The Lodge was honored with visits from Bro Lonnie Medford of Lodge San Gabriel No. 89 in Georgetown, TX and Bro Romadel de las Alas of Nippon Lodge No. 9 in Sasebo. Bro De Las Alas had been transferred from Sasebo to Negishi and expressed a strong desire to affiliate to FE#1.
CLOSING: At 17:30 hours, the WM announced that there being no further business to come before this Lodge of MMs, we would proceed to close. Peace and harmony prevailing, this lodge was closed at 17:50 hours with WB Buda, PM, WM in the East, Bro Inomata, acting SW in the West, and Bro Sagara acting JW in the South.
There were a total of 16 Brethren present of whom 14 were members of the Lodge, 2 visitors and also we had 3 EAs and one potential candidate joining our harmony.
Worshipful Master