Minutes 23 May 2009

The Special Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM was held at the Masonic Temple, 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 23rd day of May 2009.

A Lodge of Master Masons was opened in due and ancient form at 13:15 hours with WB Buda, PM, WM in the East, Bro Inomata, SW in the West, and MWB Watanabe, acting JW in the South.

The WM welcomed visiting Brethren Bro Kevin Maddy and Bro Gabriel Balea from Lodge No. 640 and Bro James C. Levy from Honolulu Lodge, Hawaii. He also recognized the distinguished Brethren present as listed in the Tiler's Register of this date. He then announced that this lodge had convened for the purpose of conferring the Third Degree of Masonry upon Bro Alawn Jordan.

At 13:30 hours, by three distinct knocks on the door Bro Jordan was admitted into the Lodge and obligated a Master Mason. Bro Tamado gave the Working Tool and for the Tragedy, Bro Buda took the role of King Solomon, Bro Inomata that of King Hiram of Tyre, and the remaining roles were shared among the Brethren present, for many of whom this was their first experience of coordinated ritual work. The Brother appointed to give the Lecture of the Third Degree was not able to attend Lodge due to being quarantined because of influenza. Fortunately Bro Honda volunteered to take on the Lecture at only a few days' notice, even though he already had more than enough ritual work to perform as Senior Deacon.

As the Lodge’s newest MM, Bro Jordan signed the Lodge’s Bye-Laws and was presented with his membership card and copies of the Monitor and Bye-Laws. He was then invited to stand West of the Altar and address the Lodge as the youngest MM. He expressed thanks and gratitude at being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. And then he said that he would like to take the opportunity to remember HWB Walter Johnson, who had been instrumental in introducing him to Masonry and mentoring him in his journey through the degrees. WB Buda acceded to Bro Jordan's wish and raised the Lodge for a minutes' silence in memory of our beloved Brother Walter Johnson, who passed away on November 28, 2008 at the age of 95.

At 16:40 hours, the Lodge proceeded to close.

Peace and harmony prevailing, the Lodge was closed at 17:00 hours in short form with WB Buda, PM, WM in the East, Bro Inomata, SW in the West, and MWB Watanabe, acting JW in the South.

There were a total of 17 Brethren present of whom 13 were members of this Lodge. One potential petitioner joined us during harmony.

Regrets were received from Bros Katagiri, Sneathern, Sagara, Kajiwara and Sato.

Worshipful Master
