Minutes 28 November 2009

The Special Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple, 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 28th day of November 2009.

At our Stated Meeting of November 7, 2009 it was announced that we would confer the sublime degree of Master Mason on Bro Anderson at a Special Meeting scheduled for November 28. A series of regrettable events after that Stated Meeting required the urgent attention of the Lodge and it was decided to postpone the Third Degree conferral to a later date.

A Lodge of MMs was opened in due and ancient form at 13:15 hrs with WB Buda, WM, in the East; Bro Inomata, SW, in the West; and Bro Sagara, JW, in the South. After confirming the postponement of the Third Degree conferral, WB Buda announced that the meeting would be devoted to a report on incidents arising from the unfavorable ballot on the affiliation of Bro Takigami, a member of Yuai Lodge No. 11.

WB Buda then called the Lodge free from restraint to await the arrival of MWB Watanabe, who had been delayed at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Grand Lodge of Japan.

During this period of refreshment, WB Buda briefly interviewed each member of the lodge in private.

After MWB Watanabe's arrival at 14:15 hrs, labor was resumed and the WM gave a report based on information he had received in confidence from members of Far East Lodge No. 1.

As all the information received by the WM had been given in strictest confidence, it could not be used as grounds for Masonic Charges. In reaching a decision on this matter, the WM had consulted the Lodge's minutes in search of precedents. He had also consulted with senior Brethren familiar with Masonic jurisprudence.

WB Buda announced that it was his intention to follow a precedent set by WB DeLuna in 1978. A handout containing the relevant section of the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of February 1, 1978 was distributed. WB Buda noted that WB DeLuna had asked all members of the Lodge to renew their solemn oath to maintain and support the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Japan and the Bye-laws of Far East Lodge No. 1.

WB Buda asked if every member present was willing to take this oath. There being no dissensions, WB Buda asked MWB Watanabe to take the East while he himself took the oath at the Altar. After the WM had returned to the East, all members present repeated the same oath and sealed it upon the Volume of the Sacred Law.

After thanking the Brethren for their cooperation, Bro Buda drew their attention to the third item on the handout. This was an excerpt from a report submitted to the Grand Lodge of Scotland by an ad-hoc committee on Masonic Education. The report recommended that all Masonic social gatherings should maintain suitable decorum and follow Masonic protocol.

WB Buda added that while convivial fellowship after a meeting was an excellent thing, it should never be held as an extension of a lodge meeting. The blurring of the line between informal eating and drinking and formal Masonic refreshment was, perhaps, one of the main causes of the present incident.

The WM then asked MWB Watanabe for his comments. MWB Watanabe emphasized that the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Japan was the foundation of all Masonic conduct and every Brother should make an effort to acquire his own copy and familiarize himself with its most important sections.

Before closing the Meeting, the WM thanked Bros Ogawa and Tatara for their help in translating the FAQs for the Lodge's Japanese website. These FAQs had been posted to the site and would provide valuable information for visitors.

WB Buda asked MWB Watanabe if he had any updates on future scheduling of meetings. MWB Watanabe replied that the absence of several key members of the Lodge in January might make it difficult to hold a Third Degree conferral, but an EA or FC conferral might be possible. MWB Watanabe also reminded the Brethren of the Lodge's Open Installation of Officers to be held on January 9, 2010.

The Lodge was then closed in short form at 15:30, the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.

There were a total of 12 Brethren present, including two FCs.

Worshipful Master
