The 593rd Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M. was held at the Masonic Temple located at 77-12 Honmoku Midorigaoka, Naka-ku, Yokohama on the 1st day of October 2011.
A lodge of MM's was opened in due and ancient form at 13:00 hours with WBro Inomata, WM in the East, Bro Sagara, SW in the West, and Bro Tsujii, JW in the South.
As soon as the Lodge was opened, MWB Donald K. Smith, GM and VWB Marvin D. Abueg, SGL were admitted with Grand Honors and conducted to a seat in the East.
WB Inomata asked the Brethren assembled to be upstanding for a minute's silent prayer in memory of Bro Edward H. Cooper, a member of this Lodge who passed away on 20 March 2007, but whose death was not reported to Bro Secretary until a few weeks ago. The WM ordered the Charter draped for a period of a month.
WM then recognized the Distinguished Brethren as listed in the Tyler's register of this date.
And he announced that this being our Stated Meeting for the month of October 2011, the first order of Business would be the reading of the minutes of our last Stated Meeting and all subsequent Special Meeting. The Secretary read the minutes of our Monthly and Special Meetings held on 3rd and 24th September were APPROVED AS READ.
The treasurer report for the month of July reported by the Treasurer which he moved and it was seconded that the report accepted as read subject to the usual audit. MOTION CARRIED.
The Secretary then read the bills for the period after which he moved and it was seconded that the bills be paid. MOTION CARRIED.
Next was the report of the several committees: All committee reports were negative with the exception of the followings:
CORRESPONDENCE: The secretary announced the Monthly Bulletin of 22 September, Minutes of GLEC on16 July had tapped on the Bulletin Board.
CHARITY: Amount of ¥10,610 was collected from brethren present.
SICK AND VISITATION: Negative report.
READING BY-LAWS: The WM read Article II, Section 2 of By-Laws concerning of Election and Appointment for Lodge Officers.
TRIMMING OF THE HEDGE: Discussion was had on the trimming of the hedge behind the lodge, which had suffered damage from the recent typhoon and was leaning on our neighbor's fence. A motion to hire the same professional gardeners as before was proposed and seconded, but an amendment proposing a tabling of the motion was approved, to give members of our House Committee an opportunity to do the trimming themselves.
HELPING #20's ACTIVITY: Bro Yutaro Suzuki reported on the charity work performed by Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 in mowing the lawns of a local orphanage garden.
COMING CONFERRAL SCHEDULE: WB Inomata put together a provisional work assignment for an Entered Apprentice conferral to be held on 22 October and a Fellowcraft conferral on 5 November after the business meeting.
WALK ABOUT A LODGE: WB Inomata then called the Lodge free from restraint for a short break, after which, with the Lodge still free from restraint, a "Walk About the Lodge" was conducted for the benefit of Bro Suzuki, who had been raised just a week before. Bro Tatara acted as Bro Suzuki's guide around the Lodge, the English narrative was read by Bro Anderson, and the Japanese narrative by Bro Tomio Ogawa.
BERORE THE CLOSING: VWB Abueg gave his heartfelt thanks for the warm reception he had received, and brought fraternal greetings from the WM, Officers and Brethren of Nippon Lodge No. 9 in Sasebo. VWB Abueg also presented WB Inomata with a beautiful commemorative plaque handmade by two members of Lodge No. 9. He apologized for not being able to visit Lodge No. 1 earlier, but the tsunami disaster had re-routed many Navy ships from Yokosuka to Sasebo, and the Brethren there had been far busier than usual.
CLOSING: There being no further business from the West, South, or Secretary's table, MWB Smith rose to say how much he enjoyed visiting Far East Lodge No. 1 and expressed regrets that his duties at Grand Lodge had given him fewer opportunities to visit our Lodge. He said he was particularly impressed by our "Walk Around the Lodge" and asked for a digital copy which he could forward to the Chairman of the Grand Lodge Education Committee for its consideration.
By the authority invested in him as Grand Master, MWB Smith closed the Lodge in short form at 14:50 hours, the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.
There were total 15 MMs of this Lodge with MW GM, VW SGL and a visitor from Yuai #11.
Regrets had received from Bros Sneathern, Erickson, Taniuchi and Adams and from Mr. Mukai.
Worshipful Master