Greetings Brethren:

This is something new as you can see. I am trying this as a means of passing information of immediate concern to those of us residing here in the Kanto Plain and elsewhere in Japan. Since we meet now on the average of only once monthly, we don’t have many opportunities to discuss various things, perhaps these Special Newsletters can help bridge the gap. I intend to put them out when circumstances indicate they are necessary.


The first thing I want to let you know about is a temporary lodge. As I mentioned at the 03 Feb stated meeting, I was to meet with WB Jack SPIWAK, RWM of Lodge Star in the East No. 640, S.C., and WB “Gus” SWANSON, PM of Lodge Star in the East No. 640, on 06 February 1982. Bro. Spiwak to represent his Lodge, Bro. Swanson to represent Masonic Hall, Ltd, Hong Kong, and I to represent our Lodge. We met agreeably to appointment at 1000 hours at #31, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, which is the address of the “SWANSON” building, located directly behind the New Grand Hotel, which, as you know, faces Yamashita Park. Bro. Swanson’s company, Swanson Products Co., Ltd., owns this building. Bro. Swanson’s business offices are on the 2nd and 3rd floors while the 1st floor is vacant. The 1st floor floor plan is attached hereto. Bro. Spiwak and I examined the 1st floor to determine if it is or could be made suitable for a temporary meeting facility for both of the lodges. We reached the decision that this facility would serve admirably as a temporary Lodge and reached an understanding with Bro. Swanson in both his capacities, e.g. the owner of the building and the legal representative of Masonic Hall, Ltd, Hong Kong. The agreement we reached encompassed the following points:

  1. For a suitable fee, Swanson Products Co., Ltd, will rent to Masonic Hall, Ltd, Hong Kong, the 1st floor of the SWANSON building for an indefinite period or until Masonic Hall, Ltd, Hong Kong, purchases or erects a permanent Masonic Lodge Facility in the city of Yokohama which will then become the permanent home of Masons in Yokohama (estimated to be 12 to 18 months from now).
  2. In consideration of the rental fee to be paid by Masonic Hall, Ltd, Swanson Products Co., Ltd, will renovate the 1st floor of the Swanson building and make it suitable in all respects as a meeting place for the Masons in Yokohama, specifically Lodge Star in the East No. 640, S.C., and Far East Lodge No. 1, J.C.
  3. Sufficient storage space will be provided by Swanson Products to store everything in the present temple which must be moved but may not be needed during the interim period as well as providing suitable office space for storage of everything that requires continued access.
  4. Masonic Hall, Ltd, will pay all rental costs during the interim period and as a gesture of respect and reconciliation, MHL will also pay all moving costs, including such packing and crating costs as may be necessary to move the two bodies from their present location to the new location.
  5. During the period of occupancy of the 1st floor of the Swanson Building, the using Bodies, namely Lodge Star in the East No. 640, S.C., and Far East Lodge No. 1, J.C. will be expected to pay for utilities only. No other expenses for occupancy of these premises is envisioned.

In a nut-shell, Brethren, we have a new temporary Masonic home under what I consider very fair and reasonable circumstances. Anyone who may think otherwise is requested to contact me immediately. Both Bro. Spiwak and I have agreed to vacate the building at No. 3 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, either during the latter half of March or the 1st half of April 1982. Please be prepared to discuss this during our March Stated Meeting and, while I will permit free discussion on the matter, I will not entertain any motion to delay the projected move unless it can be demonstrated that such a delay is in our own best interests. Remember, Brethren, we have agreed to vacate by May 82 and I can see no reason to wait until the last minute.


As many of you know, we will have a candidate for the degrees; PROVIDING the ballot to be cast at our March 1982 Stated Meeting on the petition of Mr. Joseph Benjamin PEARSON is favorable. I believe we must commence our preparations now because I will want to initiate Mr. Pearson on 10 March 1982 if the ballot is favorable. Therefore, the Trestle Board for the evening of 10 March 1982 will be as follows:

DEGREE: FIRST. Lodge will open promptly at 1900 hours (07:00 p.m.).

CANDIDATE: Mr. Joseph Benjamin PEARSON

Open/Close Conferral
EAST: WB Hodges Bro. Otani
WEST: Bro. LaSalle Bro. LaSalle
SOUTH: Bro. Otani WB Hodges
TRES: MWB Yamada None
SEC: MWB Nishiyama MWB Nishiyama
CHAP: Bro. Ohashi None
MRL: None MWB Yamada
SD: WB Nakano WB Nakano
JD: Bro. Reyna/Norman Bro. Reyna/Norman
SS: Bro. Norman Bro. Ohashi
JS: None Bro. Norman
TYL: None None

First Degree Lecture: Bro. LaSalle or WB Hodges

Lambskin Apron Presentation: Bro. LaSalle or MWB Yamada

Working Tools: Bro. Reyna or Bro. Ohashi

Charge: MWB Yamada

This will no doubt be the LAST DEGREE to be conferred by this Lodge in the building which we have labored in since October 1948, a period of almost 34 years. Let’s make it a particularily memorable occassion, primarily for the candidate but also for ourselves. We shan’t have another opportunity! The local Brethren not herein named are especially requested to come to Lodge on 03 March 1982 and to be on hand for the degree conferral on 10 March 1982 (subject to final confirmation on 03 March 1982). Those named herein are requested to keep me informed well in advance if you will be unable to attend these next two meetings. Your continued support is especially requested, Brethren.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Thomas H. Hodges, PM

Worshipful Master

P.S. Who will volunteer to bring chow? Let Bro. Otani or Bro. LaSalle know soonest. If no volunteers, Bro. LaSalle is requested to encourage the several Brethren to bring “Pot Luck” dishes or to purchase suitable prepared food using the funds available for that purpose.