The highlights of the Lodge's Stated Meeting for December were the conferral of the First Degree of Freemasonry on Bro Tomio Ogawa and the Election of Officers for 2008.
Bro Ogawa (behind VSL) with the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1
With WB Buda away in Kobe for the annual Scottish Constitution installations and MWB Katagiri unable to attend, much of the degree work at this meeting was delegated to the Lodge's younger members, giving them a valuable opportunity to get hands-on experience of the ritual. With WB Masaki in the East, WB Herrera in the West, and Bro Sagara in the South, the candidate was conducted by MWB Watanabe. Bro Tatara presented the Working Tools, Bro Honda gave the Apron Lecture, Bro Sagara gave the Degree Lecture, and WB Masaki delivered the Charge.
HWB Johnson | Bro Ogawa | MWB Watanabe
At the same meeting the Lodge also elected and designated its Officers for 2008, as follows:
WM | WB Janusz Buda |
SW | WB Takumi Masaki |
JW | Bro Norihiro Inomata |
Tre | MWB Saburo Katagiri |
Sec | MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe |
Mar | WB Rodolfo C. Herrera |
Chap | Bro Larry E. Jackson |
SD | Bro Masanori Sagara |
JD | Bro Seiichi Honda |
SS | Bro Martin W. Sneathern |
JS | Bro Takashi Tsujii |
Tyl | Bro Kiyoshi Wachi |
The above officers will be installed on Saturday, January 12. As in previous years, MWB James L. Johnston has graciously agreed to act as Installing Officer and MWB Watanabe will act as Installing Marshal. The Installation Ceremony will be open to both Masons and non-Masons and will be followed by an Installation Banquet at the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club.