Far East Lodge No. 1 News

October 24, 2009November 7, 2009November 28, 2009

The main items of business at the Stated Meeting for November were to ballot on an application for affiliation and hear the proficiencies of two Fellowcrafts. In addition to these two items, much fruitful discussion was held on a wide range of subjects including a Japanese translation of part of our website, planning for our January installation of officers, and suggestions for future charity projects.

The Lodge was opened with WB Buda, WM, in the East; Bro Inomata, SW, in the West; and Bro Sagara, JW, in the South. After taking care of essential items of business such as the reading of minutes, the Treasurer's report, the Lodge's bills, and correspondence, a ballot was taken on the application of Bro Atsushi Takigami of Yuai Lodge No. 11 for affiliation to Far East Lodge No. 1. The ballot proving unfavorable, the WM called for a second ballot, with the same result. WB Buda instructed Bro Secretary to inform Bro Takigami of the result and return his application fee.

Meeting 7 Nov 09

Bro Ishibashi | Bro Adams

After the WM had lowered the Lodge to the Second Degree, first Bro Kevin Adams and then Bro Masami Ishibashi stood West of the Altar and were examined in their proficiency in the Fellowcraft Degree by MWB Watanabe. The examinations were conducted in English. Even though only two weeks had passed since both Brethren had been passed to the Second Degree, they proved themselves completely proficient, and the WM congratulated them on an outstanding performance.

In other items of business, after confirming that Bro Jose M. Ferrer had paid all outstanding dues and that there were no valid objections to his request for a demit, WB Buda ordered the demit to be granted. The WM also thanked Bros Taiki Ogawa and Tatara for their prompt and voluntary translation of the Lodge website's FAQ. The translation would be uploaded as soon as possible, and additions or amendments could be made at leisure.

Meeting 7 Nov 09

The Brethren of Far East Lodge No 1 after the Meeting.

MWB Watanabe outlined the Lodge's schedule for the next few meetings. A Special Meeting would be held on November 28 for the purpose of raising Bro Eric Anderson to the sublime degree of MM. Our Stated Meeting for December would be held on December 5, with Bro Inomata, SW, taking the East in place of WB Buda, who would be in Kobe for a series of Scottish Constitution installations. The Lodge would hold its election of officers at the December meeting, with the officers elected or appointed at that meeting being installed at our Stated Meeting and Installation of January 9, 2009. After a brief business meeting, the open installation would begin at approximately 15:00 hrs and would be followed by a banquet at the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club.

Speaking from the East, WB Buda announced the Lodge Star in the East No. 640 installation and banquet would be held on Thursday, December 3, and that all members of Far East Lodge No. 1 were welcome to attend. After a brief explanation of balloting procedures used in other constitutions, where two or three black balls were needed to reject a candidate, WB Buda encouraged any Brethren with questions or reservations about an application to discuss them in confidence with the WM or Secretary. Ultimately, however, every Brother was entitled to cast his vote in complete secrecy. Finally, WB Buda added background information to the announcement read out under Correspondence that WB Thomas Hodges had been diagnosed with lung cancer. For the benefit of Brethren who had joined the Lodge after 2004, the year in which WB Hodges returned to the United States, WB Buda summarized WB Hodges' illustrious Masonic career with both Far East Lodge No. 1 and Lodge Star in the East No. 640.

There was no further business from the West or South, but both MWB Watanabe and Bro Honda brought up the question of the Lodge's future charity donations. Bro Honda suggested that the Lodge concentrate on local aid and relief such as helping the laborers living the poorest area of Yokohama, or the children at a local orphanage. WB Buda thanked Bro Honda for his excellent suggestions and asked him to prepare further details.