The main item on the agenda for our March Stated Meeting was a discussion of the Lodge's stance on five Constitutional Amendments to be presented at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge on Friday, 19 March 2010. However, the Lodge also held lively discussion on several other important items of concern and one of our newest Entered Apprentices took and passed his First Degree Proficiency Test.
After the Lodge had been opened, WB Inomata greeted RWB Donald Smith, Grand Senior Warden, and invited him to a seat in the East. RWB Smith requested and was given leave to remain on the floor of the lodge. WB Inomata next greeted Bro Michel Tsigopoulos, Secretary of Sagamihara Lodge No. 13, and presented him with a first-time visitor's card. After the usual confirmation of Minutes, approval of the Treasurer's Report and Due Bills, Bro Secretary announced that he was in receipt of several communications from Grand Lodge, all of them dealing with the proposed Constitutional Amendments. He suggested that it might be appropriate to read them when the relevant agenda item was discussed under New Business, and WB Inomata concurred.
WB Inomata announced that he was delegating the organization of our proposed Family Day to the Lodge's Stewards, and encouraged them to liaise with Lodge Star in the East No. 640, which had expressed interest in a joint event.
The discussion of the proposed Constitutional Amendments generated many pertinent questions which were answered in detail by MWB Watanabe and RWB Smith. WB Inomata asked for a show of hands on each amendment and there was unanimous agreement that the Lodge vote as follows on the respective amendments:
WB Buda then gave an update on the current status of the Lodge's website and suggested that, to ensure space for further expansion and increase security, the Members' Section be moved to a separate server. The Lodge's public website would remain unchanged, but Brethren wishing to access the Members' Section would be redirected automatically and seamlessly to another server that would provide much greater capacity and flexibility. After a brief discussion, the Lodge agreed to WB Buda's suggestion and WB Inomata instructed him to go ahead with the necessary arrangements.
After calling the Brethren free from restraint for refreshment, labor was resumed and WB Inomata lowered the Lodge to the EA Degree for the purpose of testing Bro Suzuki on his proficiency in that Degree. The examination was conducted in Japanese by MWB Watanabe, and Bro Suzuki's responses were word-perfect. WB Inomata declared Bro Suzuki proficient in the First Degree and called the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of congratulating Bro Suzuki and permitting him and Bro Adams (FC) to retire informally.
Labor having been resumed in the Third Degree, discussion was held on the scheduling of a Third Degree Conferral on Bros Adams and Ishibashi, 24 April being suggested as a possible date. MWB Watanabe drew the attention of the Lodge to the loss of contact with Bro Jason Kraker and warned that if Bro Kraker did not complete his EA proficiency before June, he would be dropped for non-progression. Bro Jordan reported that although he had not met Bro Kraker for several months, he would do his best to establish contact.
From the East, WB Inomata announced the membership of the new Masonic Education Committee and outlined some of its objectives. He then asked RWB Smith to say a few words to the Members of the Lodge. RWB Smith noted that it was always a pleasure to visit Far East Lodge No. 1, and then commented on the splendid proficiency displayed by Bro Suzuki.
From the West, Bro Sagara expressed concern about Brethren who had stopped attending Lodge in recent months, suggesting that we should be more active in establishing contact with them and ascertaining the cause of their absence. From the South, WB Buda supported Bro Sagara's suggestion and also the WM's comment about the importance of notifying Bro Secretary of absences, illnesses, and other indispositions.
There being no further business on the Secretary's Table nor the Floor of the Lodge, WB Inomata closed the Lodge in due and ancient form.