Far East Lodge No. 1 News

March 16, 2010April 3, 2010May 8, 2010

The Lodge once again welcomed Bro Ed Lawson, visiting Japan from the United States, to one of its meetings and in honor of the occasion, WB Inomata called the Brethren free from restraint for the purpose of hearing Bro Ed give an inspiring presentation on Brotherly Love and 'Bridge' that Masonry builds across continents, countries, and cultures. For the benefit of those Brethren whose first language was not English, Bro Anderson interpreted Bro Ed's presentation into Japanese.

Stated Meeting for April 2010

Rear: Mr. Erickson | Bro Suzuki | Bro Adams | Bro Tamado | Mr. Hoshi | Mr. Ohmura | Bro Tsujii | Bro Ogawa Tomio | Bro Ogawa Taiki
Front: Bro Tatara | Bro Ishibashi | Bro Sagara | Bro Sato | Bro Kajiwara | Bro Lawson | Bro Anderson | WB Inomata | WB Herrera | Bro Honda

After the Lodge had resumed labor in the Third Degree, MWB Watanabe inquired about the availability of Brethren for a proposed Third Degree conferral to be held on Saturday, 24 April. Several Brethren volunteered to do their share of the ritual work and WB Inomata concluded that we would have enough participants to raise Bros Adams and Ishibashi to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. WB Inomata himself would not be able to attend, having been called to a meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. WB Buda would, however, take the East and for the First Section of the conferral and the role of KS in the Tragedy.

Although some Brethren had remarked on errors and discrepancies in the membership directories on our website, no specific details had been forthcoming. MWB Watanabe proposed a rule requiring Brethren to notify him of any changes or updates to our directories. With the tremendous growth of data in our Members' Section, the active cooperation of the Brethren was essential if we were to keep the site as accurate and up-to-date as possible.